Civilization thread

>Play civ 5
>Pick Hiwatha because he's cool and has a nice passive
>Surrounded by europoors
>Europoor leaders all nice at first
>All of them denounce me and proceed to invade me
>Repel them at first
>Literally at war for the entire game
>Get tired of fighting off waves of shitty enemy units with crossbows, mohawks, and canons
>turn off game

When did this game get so good at accurately portraying the way europoors acted in relation Native Americans.

Attached: Hiawatha_(Civ5).jpg (1920x1080, 1016.84K)

the AI is the same for every single leader, they're literally nothing but a collection of meaningless visuals and audio
the game "portrays" nothing

>America builds a city next to mine
>Next turn get a message from America to stop building on their land


>hiwatha makes an early game ally with me
>over time the relationship sours
>now he just asks for shit non-stop and gets huffy when I don't but doesn't do anything about it
When did this game get so good at accurately portraying the way injuns act in relation to Canada

I got so fucking tired of Civ 5. I've got at least 1000 hours and I'm starting to feel retarded. I can barely scrape by on Emperor and after exhaustive research on the game and the inner workings of the AI players, I'm completely bored of trying game the system in order to squeak by or barely come out on top. Its not even that the computer players are difficult, its just stacks upon stacks of handicaps that they get at higher levels, as well as loads of research already possessed at the beginning of each round. I think its a good turn based strategy game with actual humans, but as far just having "fun" its instead reduced down to exact same policies, the mostly exact same research path, and the other half of the game would be just getting a lucky start.

You probably built a city too close to one of theirs and pissed them off.

>Raging Barbarians
>Standard pangea map as Greece
>Literally broken constant barb spawn everywhere
>Constantly under attack build up a huge army
>Repel the invaders.. whats this?
>Ghengis Khan attacks
>"you gotta be shitting me"
>Repel him back to his borders
>"Alright asshole I demand one of your cities in our peace treaty."
>Motherfucker has 10 cities already- I have three
>Babylon is already in World War 1 and has befriended all city states that I'd been protecting since turn 5

Its a bullshit game desu

That's why I only ever used the game as something to click through while listening to a podcast or an audiobook. The AI is trash.

>start up civ 6 and get the Maori
>Settle my first city on land that happened to be close to Australia
>Curtis late proceed to start a war on me

That's a lot of hours to still be fundamentally struggling with the game friendo have you watched some of filthy's civ guides? That might help you.

The AI is designed to be exploited, if you don't see obvious patterns that's on you.

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>Injun nation offers me a city in peace treaty
>I accept and return to my peaceful ways
>Many turns go by and the same injun nation declares war on me and takes their city back
Fucking Indian givers.

The Iroquois is a low tier civ.

Next time pick Moctezuma if you play it right by year 1500 A.D you're going to have nukes and planes when everyone else barely grasping the concept of gunpowder.

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4 > 5

>Ghaja Mada start on islands
>natural wonder right above me on an island
>get a +4 faith for natural wonders
>"Oh shit boy I got religion fo' days"
>Expand up to five cities
>Doing fucking amazing till Polish starts trying to spread his shit religion on me (always same city too)
>Warn him multiple times he does it anyway.
>Attack him, get his capital.
>Fucking Brazil is catching up as per usual
>Capture Rio De Janero
>Literally every player denounces me.
>Korea declares war
>Atila declares war
>Poland after many turns of peace starts gunning for his capital again
>Highest score in the game but freaking Korea's retarded boats are knocking out my fleet
>Suddenly super behind in science even though I never dropped in gold or happiness the entire match

End up dropping out of the game fuck that bullshit.

>it sucks on purpose
Shut up fag

Anyone else roleplay? I like to take on certain traits. Recently I've been doing religious fanatic where any attempt to convert my cities to another religion gets razed to the ground, regardless of consequence

Sure they can be "predictable" but every "strategy requires the same response and on higher difficulties the AI literally teams up to kill the player off if they even so much as tickle another players city. The warmongering penalties for human players is broken, and yet the AI players can capture city states, annex other players to its hearts content without penalties.

Plus I read somewhere that the barbarians technology, especially if they are still around mid to late game scales with the nearest AI's tech score. I've even heard of barbarians spawning battleships late game if left completely alone. They also rarely attack other computer AI's during a match and the AI gets a huge attack boost when fighting them.

Artillery cannons fuck everything up mid game. It's beautiful.

Fucking agreed Civ 5 is streamlined garbage.

Shoulda picked my man Pocatello

Now that's a guy who gets shit done

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Him and Montezuma are freaking nuts

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Looking for new map setups, what are your favourites?

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Shaka is the most predictable AI. if you have a certain fraction of his military power he will leave your ass alone. He also doesn't backstab

Any desert map is pretty fun. Its usually just a rush for Petra though

Sparse resource conditions or raging barbarians can be really entertaining.

You could always play on an Oceana style with loads of little islands (the tech path is a little easier because everyone wastes their time with shit that doesn't involve a navy) It does get a little tedious though.

Jungle maps are the literal worst maps ever. Slow production everywhere, usually shit tiles till you can build trading posts, clearing jungle along rivers takes forever and it slows down literally everyone playing.

Where is Byzantium hiding?

>Play civ 6
>get denounced for no fucking reason (one of the actual in game reasons is "just doesnt plain like you")
>get surprise war'd
>cities take too long to capture for ai to capture
>ai gives up too easily and does not keep making combat unit leaving them open to get invaded

Guess this is why the game has science, culture, etc victories over complete domination.

There's a really good miniseries you should watch called Shaka Zulu. The production company is Italian and their only other claim to fame is Robotech. Anyway, the Shaka portrayal is excellent.

if you're playing any civ other than civ iv then you are a braindead toddler. thanks for reading.

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Have you ever modded 5? You can make it way more complex.