At this point I don’t know how any of the knuckleheads at Square Enix ever produced anything good...

At this point I don’t know how any of the knuckleheads at Square Enix ever produced anything good. How was there ever a time that they didn’t fuck up everything they touch? It seems like such a far off memory from what is reality. It’s like I’m actually in an alternate dimension.

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A lot of key people left the company.

Instead of producing something good, they flood the internet with shills to defend their terrible decisions. This proves they are shit.

>mfw this is the same company that once gave us FF7, 8 and 9 in the span of three years

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Can we use time jannies to go to a timeline when Square didn’t completely blow donkey dick?

Once upon of time they were good
> 89 - FFIV - 1991
> 87 - So: Mana - 1993
> 95 - FFVI - 1994
> 96 - Trigger - 1995 [GOTY]
> 94 - FFVII - 1997
> 92 - Xenogears - 1998
> 89 - Tactics - 1998
> 91 - FFVIII - 1999
> 95 - Cross - 2000
> 94 - FFIX - 2000
> 93 - Vagrant - 2000
> 92 - FFX - 2001
> 87 - KH1 - 2002
> 86 - FFX-2 - 2003
> 85 - FF11 - 2003
> 92 - DQ8 - 2004
> 89 - KH2 - 2005
> 92 - FF12 - 2006
> 65 - FF13 - 2009
> 49 - FF14 - 2010
> 79 - FF13-2 - 2014
> 69 - FF13-3 - 2015
> 77 - FF15 - 2016
> 66 - KH3 - 2019
> 88 - FF7R - 2020


Some critics complained it was too difficult

Holy fuck that drop off after FF12 (A game that wasn't even 50% finished) What the fuck happened?

Because all the people in charge of Square-Enix today are near completely different or in general were responsible for the downfall of Squaresoft to begin with. In fact Enix actually really didn't want to buy them, but shit happened. Now all Square knows what to do is use all their old talent still hanging on that they have no idea what to do with, and their old talent without proper mandates and reins holding the back have gone batshit fucking insane.

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They were on a roll from mid-90s to mid-2000s. New game each year and not recycling assets like they did with 13 trilogy.

I'll never understand how they comically dropped the ball on VA going from 12 to 14, though.

We're about to reach maximum brainlet over here.

13 had massive development issues that pushed it back from end-gen of PS2 to a few years later, requiring the entire company to force their hand and work on it, setting everything back and arguably compromising the game's design in the process just so it all works. Thanks Crystal Tools. Then 14 was partly outsourced and COMPLETELY mismanaged, which required another whole-company emphasis to rework and fix it into 2.0. No one wanted or asked for the 13 sequels period. 15 was a messy debacle fucked up by 13 and 14's dev issues and also came out a compromised game that underwhelmed and no one was really sure what to think about. KH3 got fucking rushed to a deadline, where we can only presume the engine change from Luminous to Unreal really fucked with things and set back development to some extent, and Nomura wanted to abandon almost 18 years of built-up plot for the sake of pushing the shit out of his mobile game and the Versus XIII project potentially resurrected in Kingdom Hearts. Or something like that.

In essence, trying to make their own in-house toolsets combined with utter corporate mismanagement resulted in absolute fuckery. And it's only because Square-Enix makes so much fucking money automatically between their properties and merchandise that they're still standing.


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FFX was the last game made by Squaresoft, X-2 and onward it's Square Enix and they can't make a good game anymore.

X-2 was phenomenal on the gameplay end, it was just idol-pandering stupid.

You are a maximum brainlet. Definitely.

because ff12's director had different vision in mind for the game. not surprising matsuno was behind ivalice which was always very distinct from final fantasy at large. just a reminder man responsible for tactics ogre, final fantasy tactics and ivalice as a whole is now working on smartphone games. that tells you everything about squeenix's priorities.

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Matsuno's held in high esteem at Square, yet, mind you Naoki Yoshida got hands-on in development of the Ivalice raid-series for Final Fantasy XIV because he really wanted to work with him. Matsuno's most likely where he is by choice.

>not recycling assets like they did with 13 trilogy.
To be fair the FF assets were recycled in Romancing SaGa games

FFX-2 didn’t need to exist
The budget should have been used on Chrono Break or a Xenogears remake


Moved on from FF after XIII and you should have too. THERE ARE OTHER JRPGs to play just move the fuck on

Thank you based Falcom

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I think the reason Matsuno is where he is because he doesn't want studio meddling again with his projects. He's made it clear he believes in "benevolent dictatorship" when it comes to game to development and FF12 probably burned him. You don't get to develop a numbered FF entry without supervision.

Didn't think I'd see this YTMND fad reappear again

It’s because people like Nomura, Nojima, and Toriyama are fighting to protect the timeline that gave shape to them. A timeline where they are allowed to suck. It is fate.

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Friend of mine is the biggest fucking FF7fag on the planet and he is 100% fucking on board with their ruse cruise in Remake. Quit being fags


I once expected excellence from FF.

I once wondered what the fuck they were doin' withholding three games from us when "Final Fantasy III" released on SNES and then suddenly Final Fantasy VII releases on PSX.