
How bad will they fuck Yuffie up?

Attached: Yuffie hot.jpg (1080x1350, 123.01K)

if that picture is any indication of what she'll look like, very very badly


What the fuck? Isn't the game released already?

why does this dumb slut have her shorts buttoned?

They will button up her shorts


The hero of the story? Hello?

>her shorts aren't opened and zipper pulled all the way down

Fix it Time Jannies!

Attached: Yuffie.Kisaragi.full.1893970.jpg (606x1200, 835.88K)

They'll be too afraid to make her the shitbird she always was and inject too much generic waifu juice into her, maybe even follow their current trend of making every girl inexplicably horny for Cloud


She will be paid DLC or a pre-order bonus only. Same with Vincent. Remember, they were optional characters in the original.

>Shorts aren't zipped open
Shit cosplay 0/10

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Kyrie > Yuffie

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They'll give her massive tits.

Until you hear her voice and over exaggerated anime movement.

Why are her shorts buttoned?

Like, 1/3 of it. Maybe.

Get some taste please nomura cocksucker

>and over exaggerated anime movement.
They all do this in the Remake - especially Tifa with her dumb posing, and you know Yuffie is going to be even worse for it when she shows up.

is just me or DAZ is just getting worse and worse models lately?

>nomura cocksucker
She was originally designed by Sho-u Tajima and written by Nojima, Nomura has almost nothing to do with her but okay.

why were they ever unbottoned to begin with?

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>exaggerated anime movement
It's not really an anime thing, more like Japan doesn't know how to act. All the live action shit, all the sentai shit, even the slice of life stuff is all over acting. Holy fuck they'll never be able to produce a Better Call Saul.

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>clean as fuck shoes with stiff-as-new laces

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>breaking spaghetti
Fucking Nips.

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Get some taste Sho-u Tajima and Nojima cocksucker. Does that make you feel better, retard?

that's a man

She's camping on a small pot. Look how much it extended out of the water even when cut in half.

Not really but I appreciate the attempt to be a little less ignorant with your bad attempt at insulting me. I'm proud of you.

how does anyone like yuffie? even at 11 or 12 i still thought she was an annoying little shit.

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I'm proud at how well you are coping with your shit taste. Keep it up, maybe one day you'll like things that aren't garbage.

Or I could just like what I like, get enjoyment out of it and not be a sad loser who spends his time insulting what other people like online because they nothing they enjoy themselves.

youre a man

Kyrie is only 17 you sick fuck.

what is she playing

Hey look, there's some more of that cope I was just talking about. Most impressive. You'll get there one day, buddy.

She looks like a woman and most importantly, isn't real. You sicker fuck.

But 17 is a legal age of consent ,shitskin.

Attached: 2.png (299x310, 81.59K)

She isn't real, you outrage fag.
Your CP stash will be found.

>accusing someone of coping when he’s projecting hard