About to play this. Haven't played a FF game since XIII which was shit. What should I expect?
About to play this. Haven't played a FF game since XIII which was shit. What should I expect?
star wars with bunny girls
More shit. Last good mainline FF game that isnt an MMO was 9.
Your experience will be slightly improved if you understand that Vaan isn't actually the main character, he's just a framing device for the story.
But yeah it's Star Wars mixed with Dragon Age: Inqusition (aka single-player MMO) with a coat of Final Fantasy paint.
I liked 10 but mainly because of the battle system and world
Remake is on the same level as 9 desu.
expect to fall asleep. you can set your gambits and put the game on 4x speed and it literally will play itself for you. you only need to move the characters and nothing else.
and not using gambits is just fucking boring too so you're fucked either way.
it kind of just plays itself but the story is great
you'll feel sort of like you're a raid leader in an mmo
Unironically the beginning of the end of Final Fantasy. Every game previous (minus X2) had some effort and creativity put into it.
A really good setting and combat system weighed down by a particularly fucking annoying protagonist and derpy MUH POLITICS plot.
Balthier is fucking righteous though, and it gets better the farther along you get in the story. There's a LOT of game in FF12, you just gotta slog through a so-so story to get to it.
its better than 13
Best worldbuilding
Best localisation
Best optional bosses
Best atmosphere
Best exploration
Best leading man
Best 'did nothing wrong last boss'
Best traitorous brother
Solid combat
Solid pacing
best mainline FF
Most of the characters are great, except Vaan who is just a more retarded Tidus, but you never get an emotional attachment to them. The story is very lackluster unless you really enjoy fantasy politics. The fighting system is dumb and you can make the fame literally auto-fight all your battles if you set up your gambits right. You probably wont be interested enough to do a completionist run because a lot of the ultimate weapons just require tedious grinding for materials. After you play it once you'll shelve the game and never play it again.
Better than XIII
Aged extremely well
Way less corridors
Better cast
Actual towns and cities
Fun gameplay
Boring story
pretty good game except for the boring story and shoehorned main character that isn't really the main character since he's so irrelevant and unimportant to the overall plot.
Why didn't they used Revenant Wings design for Penelo in Zodiac Age?
a single player MMO that emphasizes world building and exploration.
also the gambit system is weird.
it's great if you want to immerse yourself in the world, because GODDAMN is the world building good.
but it's slow as molasses and the actual central plot is pretentious in that it tries to feed you as little information about the villain's character motivations as possible. seriously vayne comes across as flat near the end because of how poorly told his story is.
FF12 is shit because the game sells itself as a coomer game but theres no nothing to coom about
I really wish they didn't make Vaan the main character. Ruins a lot of the pacing
He's not the main character - that's Ashe - but he is the viewpoint character, which is the main problem. It's literally Star Wars but told through C3PO.
IIRC, Ashe was supposed to be the main character
Yeah Ashe or Basch would've made way better protagonists
IIRC the story was crippled for a variety of reasons and Vaan was originally a side character, but they couldn't really make it work. It shows in that, after the first 10-15 hours, the dungeon that gets you Belias, Vaan and Penelo virtually vanish from the narrative, they just become tagalongs outside a few moments.
It's the same idea FFX had, but Tidus was interesting in his own right even though Yuna was the main character of the story. Here it just falls flat because Vaan sucks.
The root of the problem was Square cutting Matsuno's balls off. He made a classic in FFT and they kept fucking with him. I think he wanted Basch to be the primary character and add airship battles but his nervous breakdown from the Square execs killed all that
one of the worst FF games
i think the story is fucking amazing
the thing is that is not as bombastic and exotic as other final fantasy games or jrpg in general.
i fucking love that last part of the game where venat actually thanks vayne and gives his life for him, in any other rpg he would have gone stupid and be mad with vayne and kill him saying he no longer needs him.
>i think the story is fucking amazing
because you're dumb and can't comprehend how stupid and boring it is.
it's honestly brilliant how they made this game, the fans of it are so fucking stupid.
ff12's story is retarded and shitty. expansive worldbuilding is meaningless when the plot that threads it together with the characters is absolutely sparse
It's like a MMO in that regard. Sure MMOs have tons of world building but literally no one cares about it, that's not why they're playing the game.
FFT didn't even have a world really but I cared much more about it because it was interesting and relevant.
>It's like a MMO in that regard
not even, both FF14 heavensward and shadowbringes have much better stories than 12