What stopped it from being great and just made it okay?

what stopped it from being great and just made it okay?

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Some faggot with gold guns and shitty enemies

steve pretty much ruined it. Bandersnatches are gay as fuck

while i didn't find steve be that insufferable, the bandersnatches were indeed god awful. the game has a serious problem with a lot of its enemies.

>POISON hunters
>fucking bandersnatches
>that god awful electric fish "boss"

to top it off the alexia fight is pure shit if you don't have the magnum/grenade launcher, and the game has a habit of pulling that "lol sorry claire has all your items, NO you cannot get them from the item box" shit

The Ashford twins are severely underrated.

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i wholeheartedly agree. the siblings vs siblings dynamic should have been played up more and it would have been a lot more memorable. also alexia's final battle theme of course


abandoned the western b movie facade and just became a straight up anime.

Should have been 75% Rockfort Island, 25% Antarctic base

It should have been Claire as the sole heroine, Chris could maybe show up in the final act but needs to be rescued by Claire after helping her out in some way

Wesker doing his best Neo from the Matrix impression really set a strange tone for the rest of the series that we didn't shake until Resident Evil 7

Bosses need an overhaul. They need to not be a bit more involving to fight, and not fall into 1 of 3, not good categories:

>massive, empty arenas where you can run away from them easily (Giant Worm and Nosferatu)
>have basically no real attack (that Electric Lizard you fight as Chris)
>Are DPS races with nearly unavoidable damage and stagger (Tyrant 1, Tyrant 2, Alexia 2, arguably Nosferatu)

A bit more BOW variety. Bandersnatches are a great idea but need a slight rework with what are some cheap hits off-screen, but having Hunters again is kind of weak. And those stupid moths and dogs and bats are hardly enemies, just annoyances

Either create a lore reason for Rockfort Island to have so many ridiculous puzzles, or change them to something like the puzzles in the Antarctic Base where for the most part, you have to use your environment, your wits, and practical methods to advance. Claire scrounging and going full MacGyver with the little resources she has around her to advance is a lot more impressive than booby traps and crazy puzzles that mainly fit in RE1 because it was a mansion designed with booby traps and crazy puzzles in mind

Way too much backtracking. Too many cliche 'put key item into lock' puzzles. Really forgettable bosses. Bosses that you can just run away from. Chris's sections are kinda boring since you're once again backtracking through the same places. The overall goofiness of the game.
That said, I still love the game. I adore the early 2000's graphics, I love the moving camera, I love Rockfort Island, I love the enemy variety.

The 3D environments looked worse than the pre rendered ones without offering anything in return, Steve was an awful character with an awful voice actor, most of the unique monsters were complete duds like those snatchy goo bois and whatever the fuck that thing was that swam around in the pool, and finally, and this was a real deal breaker for me, the guns and enemy feedback are both absolutely dreadful and easily the worst in the entire series. I didn't hate it but i think it's the weakest entry in the series not counting certified garbage like 7. What i like the most out of it is just that it setup Wesker vs Chris and Chris getting buff, i think that's a really cool character development, especially since it's left to the player to put 2 and 2 together.

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I forgot to mention the spider boss which falls into the "massive empty arenas where you can run away from them easily" category

I will admit that that Alexia 1 is an interesting boss fight. It takes the classic Tyrant, slow and imposing, but changes it up with fiery blood attacks that can hit at a range and block your escape from her 1-hit melee kill. This is the best designed boss fight in the game, but it could still be better because she dies so quickly that you can't even attempt to outsmart or plan for her fiery blood.

Siblings who love each other normally vs. incestuous twins willing to kill for one another. That would be an amazing dynamic to see. And even after all these years I still fucking hate what Darkside Chronicles did to Alexia.

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thank god the series shook off memorable characters and style for literal whos, shit writing and lazy tone deaf movie references. Crisis averted.


Never played DC, what did they do to her?

i don't exactly mind being able to run from exactly 1 boss in an RE game, since it's a throwback to RE1, but being able to run away from both the spider and the worm was just too much. especially considering most of the other boss fights were underwhelming as hell.

that and the hunter theme were pretty memorable.


how does a non-canon gaming magazine doodle have more soul than RE2Make and RE3Make combined?

>And even after all these years I still fucking hate what Darkside Chronicles did to Alexia.

What was different? She still wanted to release the T-Veronica virus to the world and rule as its queen.

Knife won't let you kill all the zombies.

They gave her a shrill voice and a more childish personality. I could’ve lived with that had they not made her kill Alfred because he “couldn’t even wake me up on time”. Funny that, considering waking her up was never his job in the original game. He was only ever responsible for making sure she was safe in her capsule. It’s amazing how a change like that turns her into such an uninteresting character.

I really like Alexia's theme. What is the best boss theme in RE though?


See here.

>Literal tranny

Shit, meant

the soundtrack was one of the best things code veronica going for it. i would even go as far as to say it's probably the 2nd best in the series behind 2 which is still leaps and bounds ahead of it.


come on user, you really gotta ask?

>tranny being the villain isn't an underrated trope
oh no somebody stop the tranny persecution

Alfred isn’t trans. He doesn’t even know he crossdresses. He literally thinks Alexia is back with him.

> Steve is annoying in CV
> The story is inconsistent with itself
> The bosses are generally underwhelming
> Claire's Rockfort Island is plagued with constant back and forth navigation of the same areas with little to no change because of poor management of level layout
> Chris' Rockfort Island spends way too much time in the Military Training Facility which is the most boring location in the game
> Steve and Alfred don't have real boss fights
> T-078 is a terrible boss
About the only thing CV has going for it over RE2 is the Puzzles are better and the enemy variety is pretty solid even though there are enemies that could've been used way more often.

Cross dressing freak!

Alexia is more juvenile like a demented kid trapped in an adult's body showing no regard for Alfred at all despite the build up of their relationship previously

Too much backtracking; too time spent in another inferior mansion setting. The levels in general are kind of bland and uninspired, with the exception of the Antarctica section.

They were definitely among the best parts of the game

You can get softlocked if you put stuff in your item box before you play as Chris because you immediately get thrown back as Claire to the Alexia boss fight.
Aside from that though the game is entirely too easy.
They give you so much health and ammo at every turn. sure there's a decent amount of backtracking but you get more than enough ammo to make up for it
ESPECIALLY if you use the Knife. It's insane how broken the knife is in this game
100% agree. Alexia's fight theme at the mansion is one of the best themes in the series
Poison Hunters are one of the best enemies in the game, no bully.

Oh, lame, I loved Alexia in CV because she really played into that regal Queen role. Especially after Alfred acted like an autistic spaz for half the game.

Shouldn't that make more sense since she went to sleep for a long ass time?

Perhaps it would if the game didn’t keep telling you that she was a super genius who was extremely mature for her age.

To be fair CV and RE2 portions are just abridged versions in DSC the real meat and potatoes of the game is Operation Javier
It would if their relationship wasn't already established like a decade or so before I don't really care for the change but I can see why some hate it nobody likes retcons

It was awesome, I don't know if there was any publication during its release that labeled it as just okay.

Especially if you're talking about the original CV. The PS2 port was just the same fucking game, which was already critically acclaimed as it is. The only complaint anyone had was that it didn't have any additional, PS2 exclusive content (besides the DMC demo disc that was released with pre-greatest-hits versions of the game).

>the best boss theme

that's gonna be an audible yikes from me, sorry. That track is mediocre at best.


It's likely they just took from the Files you read too much instead of the cutscenes where she does care about him
In all the files she talks about him she just shittalks him the whole time complaining about how he's useless but still servicable
Damn shame though.