Kills your genre

>kills your genre

Attached: original_a125e6a5c62b98b0010914060960950a.jpg (300x425, 66.42K)

>invents the modern tps genre

Assuming you mean Survival Horror, which it wasn't.

Don't blame Mikami for everyone else's inability to make a decent game

>dont worry bra i bring it back

Attached: RE7cover.jpg (960x1024, 163.88K)

>kills your genre
>but also is the best game in the series

>killed two genres with one game

I think you meant to post Resident Evil 3

How do you feel about the RE3 remaking retconning the fact that Nemesis is so effective because he has a Plagas parasite in him thanks to the European division of Umbrella? Will this lead to other retcons in RE4's remake like Saddler being an ex Umbrella scientist?

I don't care as long as it's actual content and not a round about way for capcom to cut corners on presentation.

they're going to replace the beaners with rednecks

It saved the series, the series was racked with shitty spin offs, 2 bad mainline titles and a convoluted story . Re4 threw that all away and started something fresh.

This is true, but they went right back to squandering that good will with 5 and 6. Nearly blew it again. Personally I was never that impressed with the game.

It's not a plaga
Its an NE-a which is unrelated to the plagas

Where does it say that. The Nemesis parasite is a cross between the T and G Viruses IIRC

How is it not a strain of Plaga? He's got a parasite, and the infected he changes behave like plagas too

In the NEST lab the confirm Nemesis has a new form of parasite developed in the European division of Umbrella. They specifically state its not a viral strain, and the parasite is what makes Nemesis such a controllable weapon, not unlike how Saddler controlled his infected. The note later states that its more dangerous

I actually like that they tie together the Nemesis parasite into 4, as the idea that just throwing some G and T virus on a tape worm seems kind of stupid.

REmake2 could've been great if they had just a) not been lazy or b) made a new game

Nah RE3 did that

RE4 saved survival horror.

You know, everybody says Resident Evil 4 defined TPS, yet I played Armed & Dangerous two whole years before RE4, and its FPS-esque controls were much closer to the typical TPS than RE4's unique scheme. Not saying that A&D invented TPS, just that this shit has been around long before RE4 came along.


Revamps it more like.

Kills what, a genre that was already dying and people were getting tired of?
RE4 did not kill the old school RE style, it was already dying, what RE4 did is save the franchise.

>RE8 village
>RE4 remake
What a bunch of lazy fucks.

RE4 is a masterpiece. Period.
RE2:Remake is a masterpiece. Period.

You cannot call any other Resident evil a true masterpiece because their flaws takes the title way.


I agree

Just don't bother with what RE4 fags say, they're delusional.

ok retard

Honestly most TPS games are hot garbage, even the ones pre-Resident Evil 4

>RE4 did not kill the old school RE style, it was already dying

This claim keeps lingering around like an old fart with no actual proof. In reality, they just wanted more money.

It had less sales than 2, did it not?

Incredibly based.

The sales of RE3 and Veronica and then 0 were dropping, reviewers were giving them increasingly lower scores.
They were getting stale in the eyes of the people.

RE4 saved Resident Evil from the purgatory of boredom that is survival horror. 2 is the only decent one of the old games.

If it actually was a Plagas, Wesker and Ada wouldn't have gone through so much trouble getting it for TriCell/Neo Umbrella/Whateverthefuck. One of the benefits of Plagas is they look mostly-normal, as opposed to Nemesis parasites that turn people into 8-foot monstrosities wearing a skinsuit.