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>Playing Call of Loot Boxes in current year
>Supporting Activision-Blizzard in current year

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they get what they deserve

now buy a VR set and prepare for god king gaben's blessing

Runnin away eh? Yellow bastards.

Don't know why a console would play against a pc in the first place. Already at a huge disadvantage.

Don't people "cheat" on console by using a keyboard and mouse, though?

No loot boxes, but a lot of skins for sale in the game. You'd have to be a vain idiot to buy those though since the game is perfectly fine for F2P.

I remember circa 08/09 when I were so good at COD fags often called me a hacker, I never felt so proud.

>caring about worthless skins

Also there are no lootboxes in the game

Can't say I blame them. Playing multiplayer games on PC is just a dogshit experience.

It's a F2P game on PC with little to no attempt at an anti-cheat by the devs, idk what they expected.

>using a keyboard and mouse is cheating

How am I supposed to know that? They pump out one of these things yearly. Sometimes even in even less time. And all I know is there are constant complaints about the shit loot box mechanics.
Also, I am sick of battle royales. There has to be at least 30 or more battle royale games on the market now because of Fortnite.

nah to be fair I play the game on PC and have encountered hardcore cheaters. Blatant aimbot, wall hacks, etc. If the devs really wanted the game to matter, they'd have some sort of anti-cheat in place.

I've seen things about this being the best Call of Duty and honestly it looks among the worst.

Have you played it? I have, and it's okay.

>openly trashing it despite having no fucking clue about it
>blatant hyberole

Okay faggot.

I too love supporting companies that censor people for our great Chinese overlords, why do you ask?

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Just admit you were being retarded.

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>a platform full of dirty pirates is also full of cheaters
Wow, what a surprise.

>Um actually ur wrong lol, retard idiot

based retard.

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wait but didn't lootboxes start in Yas Forums's favorite game CSGO?

embarrassing posts.

>They can instantly track me using a mouse, they must be hacking
The state of console players


Crossplay ruins games. Using a mouse against controllers in unfair. Especially in RTS games. Also, pc players are cheaters. Gta5 is unplayable because of it.

Hating China is one the main reasons I don't support activison-blizzard, which is what I meant in the first post by "supporting them in current year".
They used to be good, now they aren't.
I don't play their games because they support China, so why should I know anything about their shit games? But go ahead, and twist the narrative commie lover.

>Turn off cross play
>Start match
>"Hey how about you turn that cross play on?"
>Press no
>5 seconds pass
>"Hey you sure about that cross play being off?"
Fuckign Activision, I don't want any pc scum cheating their way to the top.

Based retard, I love this guy, he just keeps digging his grave even deeper.

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>being the best Call of Duty
That was CoD:UO.

CHINA BAD (Insert home country) GOOD

Your people and your country is no better, the way your country treat the poor is despicable.

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pirates and cheaters. That's Pc gaming in a nutshell. And then they dare beg for games.

Go drink some gutter oil, faggot.

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lol don't choke on your bat soup and centipedes mr wang

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Jackie Chan is right

We also have the subhuman russians to get rid of

Then the BRs and Argentines

I'm a based europoor but at least I know my country doesn't take collective shits on anyone that isn't the 1%

Btw, you're posting from chink made products while sitting on chink made chairs on your chink made desks/bedframes, basically everything you own is likely chink made. you should consider throwing them away.

You act like you actually give a shit about China and MUH COMMUNISM. This is what you get with a hyper capitalist country. Giant soulless corporations selling you out for profit. You reap what you sow faggot.

>play on controller against mouse players
>lose again and again to PC players only
>call them cheaters and refuse to play with them
it's like I never saw salty teen losers...

Keep seething about those Chinks you hate so much while your own people are treating you and the rest of the population like shit.

Tranny modders are an annoyance, but I wouldn't call it unplayable, with enough shit unlocked you can prevent getting killed, they get so frustrated that they pullout the blatant cheats and start calling you a modder, which is hilarious, they have no choice other than kick you out.

What's the point in cheating in a game with no prizes? Where's the fun in letting a script win the game for you?

I do hope once this Chinese Coughing Chaos is over, countries pull their industries out of China and become more self-reliant.Which isn't going to happen.

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Attention whoring, the answer to almost everything wrong in the world is attention whoring.

>Defending Activison-Blizzard and China
Is this Yas Forums or Reddit? You guys know the CEO of that company was in Jeffrey Epstein's black book of pedos, right?

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