So do you want to play one of my mario party games on gamecube after i am done eating or what?

>so do you want to play one of my mario party games on gamecube after i am done eating or what?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry I think chicks with glasses look ugly

Having a quarantine gf to weed out the immense loneliness right now would be pretty damn neato

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Out of my thread right fucking now.

>Playing vidya with women
The usually suck dick at games though.


My gf has been at my house for two months it gets old. Seriously there's good reasons why waifu>irl

Id rather get high and eat Ur ass, U can play during tho xx

I didn't realize you played Mario Party at the competitive level.

You weebs who fetishize anime and Japanese culture are embarrassing.

Actually the girl i posted is chinese but ok retard

That's not the point buddy. You're supposed to let the females win and pretend that they're good players. Women lack the mental capacity to be good at video games. It's like playing against your little brother. This also happens in sports.

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At least you've been in contact with a human being in the last month 1/2, consider that boyo

>dies from weed
>news says it was for corona

color me surprised

where is my comf gf!?!

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I just dont think women can like the things I like
Does that mean I'm insecure or am I depressed?

Means you don't have enough experience with them.

spoiled normalfag spotted

illiteracy is common here, I know

Translations when? and the other work of the author too

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Yes, and if you lose I get to rub your tummy.

As much as I love dorky girls in glasses with some chub... There is something I fucking hate about sweats. Something about seeing them even in a drawing just fills my nose with the smell of shit.

is this hentai

i need to know, if it is i gotta leave the thread. i'm trying to get a shiny pokémon rn but i'm getting too distracted

That's fair
But I see women on the dating sites and I always think that they're just claiming they're like the things I like, or they're really surface level and dont actually have any interest in the hobby
Maybe I just have trust issues despite never being in an intimate relationship. Which is a rather self-defeating issue of itself

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>immense loneliness due to quarantine
Lmao dumb normalfag

>dorky girls in glasses with some chub
The perfect waifu in 7 words.

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Loser opinion

who's the artist?

fuck off retard

Well i hope you get over it some day.

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Thanks. Ganbare, user

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Was gonna translate it for you.

Okay, bye.

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I known you never leave your room user but some of us don't have mommy money to pay for rent and food so we need to work and have forced social cues with other humans as a result. When you get used to interactions like that and then become completely stripped of it is not very fun and wishes for intimate relationships heightens more than ever

Never come back

This is supposed to be a comfy thread why are you posting a sad girl

>they're really surface level and dont actually have any interest in the hobby
That's my experience so far tbqh
*pisses that user off*