Redemption story thread

Right Now.

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>less players than current Skyrim/Fallout 4 numbers
>already dropping numbers

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What! Can you give me cute Fallout 76 wifes user! Can you! What! Give me cute wifes! Give me cute Fallout 76 wifes!

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>having fun
>Hit end game
>Just an arbitrarily long grind for the cool items
That's some gay shit.

Why the hell should i apologize, they fixed their wrong.
Infact i dont even know if it is "fixed"

Bernd, this game is 2 years old and this is literally a DLC what is there to apologize?

ive been playing it a little bit here and there, its just ok. the autist in me likes farming guns to break down so that i have every single weapon mod available, but once im done with that ill probably not play it much


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Go back to your containment board.

base game is still trash, I talked shit about the base game, bathesda is probably still doing their shitty business practices.
not gonna apologize for one good thing out of a hundred

yet I did not took

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I laugh at how there's no SJW bullshit in the story but when Outer Worlds released, it was everywhere. Only woke thing I've seen in 76 was the Pride Flag icon but you rarely fucking see players using it but when ya do, they mainly use it for a rainbow.

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Is the game good? You can get it for a few bucks and i'm curious if it is fun in any way or should i just go with the Division 2 to get my looter shooter fix?

Fuck no. Theres a reason literally nobody talks about it the moment it came out. Hyped to heaven then it came out and everyone was just like 'oh'

I fucking hate how the rainbow, once a symbol for something cute, interesting and pretty, became corrupted to symbolize faggotry and mentally ill people.

its great fun. I got it for 10 bucks and before wastelanders came out so I got that free as well. Even though its multiplayer, its more like a singleplayer game where you bump into other players also having a singleplayer experience. You can choose to mingle but often times you wont. The map is around 4 times the size of F4s and 24 players are the maximum allowed in one server so youll only really see people if you want to.

If you like Rust mixed with a looter shooter MMO mechanic, you'll probably like it.

Wastelanders is an improvement. It's not fantastic and not worth starting if you don't have a lvl 20 character and all ready own it.

So is that game actually fixed now?

I only liked the building aspect and the gimmicks about rust, like drawing your own paintings. Never cared about PvP when i played with friends.

Do old keys get the wastelander thing or is it free for everyone? Fallout 4 has no killer mods anyway, so i thought Fallout 76 could be fun for a while.

>Only Betehsda drones buying the game
>probably majority of people who bought it on Steam already own it
>These people give a good score becuase retarded fanboys

Oh yeah what win for Bethesda lmao

They still haven't fixed the bugs.

>not even 2000 reviews

What a fucking flop. Also Mostly Positive is a pretty definite red flag for Steam. Fucking Bioshock Infinite has Overwhelmingly Positive reviews.

Free for everyone.

There's actually over 8000 reviews user.

I like the raider loli

As someone who actually enjoyed the base game despite it being trash, I don't understand why people are praising wastelanders. In the short time since the update I have had more bugs, glitches, and general jankiness than the entire time I spent with the game previously. And I played during the beta. The worst I saw in the beta was T-posing enemies, lag, and disconnects. Now I'm getting way more than I could list. Starting fresh for the new content feels disjointed and awkward with how it's integrated into the base games story/map. Theres some good stuff in wastelanders but I honestly feel like if you wouldn't enjoy the base game before, you wouldn't enjoy it now. Those that do like it now probably just didn't give the game a fair chance previously. Nothing is fundamentally different yet even more shit is broken.

>game literally deleted from steam and re-added to reset their shit scores
>same fucking game

you would have to be a moron to fall for this, but if I've learned anything from the past decade it is that we are all morons, and deserve everything we have coming to us

Game is great now.
not incredible.
but worth a play.
server are sligthly less empty.

it peaked today

Is mic still enabled by default?

no fuck this game