Why is nobody talking about this game?

Why is nobody talking about this game?

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is it out already?

tranny, sjw, pozzed, etc

becuae the devs themselves arent talking about it and all signs point to it being shit

>pre alpha build
gee I wonder

This thread again? Deja vu.
Because there are no news about it and the gameplay vids looked like ass.

whats this from

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Didn't we just have this thread?

Anyway, the reason why nobody is talking about it is because nobody believes that it will be good.

what do you want to talk about, user?

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Didn't this thread already die?

Let me guess you found new bait and you can't resist posting it again?

>the gameplay vids looked like ass
>pre alpha

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vampires are sparkly romance dreck

The female tremere, and her cold anus.

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>no new gameplay since then
>then it looked like shit
What else is there to discuss now? Oh right, nothing, which is why it is dead now. Go away, retarded shill.

>>pre alpha
What the fuck are people supposed to judge it based on, full release? Tardo.

A cosplay guide? I don't know, probably their marketing team.

Honestly, if its got any of the writers for Coteries, that'd make me a bit more keen. I wasn't sure about it until I played it and discovered its actually very well layered and characters come alive and into their own nicely, great descriptions too.

Really, a WoD game lives and dies on its writing, nothing ever will matter more. Heres hoping they dont have newfry shrimps in the grill for this one, a WoD game demands veteran excellence.

t. furfag

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That isn't even a game. It's just a still image, overlayed with fanfiction.

No, but they could judge pre alpha footage on standards other than the standards of a full, finished release.

devs forgot to pay people to shill for it.

>why are not you discussing it
>the last time we saw it was long ago and it was shit, what is to discuss
You are not a clever man.

because it's not out yet. figure out how to delay your gratification for 30 goddamn seconds you coombrained zoomer (coomzer)

>ok judge the game and tell me what you think
>''shows pre alpha and nothing else''
>it's trash
niggers what the fuck should i base my opinions then? your faith with no proofs
go fuck yourself

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these trannies are seething

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People could be discussing what they want to see, how it should play, leaks, theories, etc. VTMB is one of the bigger cult favorites here, you'd think the sequel would have a little more following.

Its got enough "game" there to be fun to play, what, you don't read user? never in your life played a VN? Or story heavy RPG which is text heavy?

It's not written poorly at all, it has great atmosphere for me, some characters fall a little flat, others are engrossing and interesting, and you can't get to the bottom of each on a single playthrough.

Have you played it, user? Whats your issues?

>people, talk about this
>doesn't look good
>omg why are you judging it by how it looks
This game already attracts chromosome hoarders.

>the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person.

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>never in your life played a VN?
A "visual novel", fuck no. Is this ironic?

People here don't want to see it, because
>sjw writers
That's it.

>pre alpha
>falling for marketing buzzwords meant to deflect criticism
they still thought it was good enough to show and release the game not long after. they delayed it but i don't expect much improvement.

lol ok tranny dont make me get out your blistering seetheposts from last thread i capped them


sure. the tremere, females included, are all pathetic losers. they may act all high and mighty with their little circle jerk, but it will never change the fact that they're camarilla lapdogs.

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>i don't expect much improvement
why? that's why they delayed it, they didn't do it because they like burning money

Keep seething that you can't use thaumaturgy, and have a quaint little clan curse.

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Because they thought that it was alright to show us a pile of garbage they will have to save later. And if it is still broken on release, the reception thus will be even worse.

I don't understand why people here are so ready to just deprive themselves of enjoyment, and almost force themselves to hate anything they see. What's the point?

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shut the fuck up tranny

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Yas Forums is filled with secondary faggots that know nothing about a series and then scream about political drivel like those SJWs who somehow blame everything on white guys. Just ignore their autistic screeching.

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they have rik shaffer doing the soundtrack again, so at least half the reason for the original game's atmosphere and soul should be intact

>let's have a feminist "gaming journalist" as one of our writers, what could go wrong

he said its gonna be shit compared to the original

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some interview a while back
bl1 was a painful time in his life and he cant feel it again

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