Plays a fantasy rpg with a plethora of races to choose from

>plays a fantasy rpg with a plethora of races to choose from
>picks human

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>not being an average human male in a world full of female monsters

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>not being an average human female in a world full of male monsters

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But variant human gets a feat at character gen. Nothing can beat that.

>being a cuck

artist is afrobull

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>Wow you mean I can play as human or purple human or blue human?

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>picks the token furry races

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desu the armored horse mounts in WoW were pretty stylin'
second maybe to the rams

maximum chad races are dranei, dwarf, tauren, and troll

fuck humies
fuck greenskins
fuck gnomes
simple as


>Playing as anything other than a white human

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You will always be a human, cope harder furfag

We've reached peak retard.

Meh the feat is lit but there's definitely something to be argued in the lack of darkvision. That shit can get you fucked.

>Implying the other WoW classes don't have a case of gorilla dick

>Fantasy based game
>Can't play as a skeleton

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>short human
>purple human
>blue human
>gray human
>furry human
>scally human
I'll just pick human, thank you.

just bring torches you stupid nigger.

I pick male human because I am a male human.
Except in WoW where I go male Nelf because it's just a better human model imo.

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More games should have playable machine races.

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>de loa mon DA EMPIRE
So tired of this shit. How do you faggots exist to lap this gay nigger shit up?

This. Or undeads.

>Soulless machine with no creative drive, or ambition, no dreams, only a more complex calculator that follows what its 1's and 0's tell it to do
>Making a good player character

Pick 1 and only 1.

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Yeah, to hell with humans. I usually pick elves.

>play a fantasy rpg with dozens of fucking cool as shit races with interesting backgrounds and visuals
>can only play as humans and different colored humans with varying ear sizes

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Only if the human is formerly dead. I always play the spooky race. Skeletons, the undead, vampires, a fuckign mummy, I just want to monster mash.

I don't only always play as a human. I always play as a human supremacist. Sometimes just how racist i am varies. At my most generous i simply pity the other races, however some of my characters have made it a life goal to eradicate every single non human possible.

>hurr it's a fantasy setting so I want to be a furry yiff beast that rides bears durr

honestly it's the same shit with every race story wise..muh light...muh stormwind...muh sylvannas....muh nature....muh warchief

What games besides WoW let me play as a Female Goblin?

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mein negro

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At one time Horde were the least played race in WoW, only barely failing to beat gnomes.

It took Blizzard years of including mandatory Wakanda troll raids/areas/dungeons before Trolls became popular.

Gnomes are still shit and will always be shit.

>I played a gnome for ten years.

The only time I play Human anything is if I can be a Human Paladin.

Cool dudes: humans, orcs, undead, night elves, gnomes
Faggots: tauren, trolls, dwarves
Trannies: """people""" who play female characters

>he doesn't play as a human
What a piece of work is man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty. In form and movement how express and admirable. In action how like an angel, in apprehension, how like a god!

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>muh free will
seethe more, meatbag

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>plethora of races to choose from
>They're all just funny looking humans

>t. retarded brainlet with no creativity

>skeleton cowboy
I fucking love that shit

I did not know that trolls were least played race, I was normally playing troll shaman during vanilla, bc, and when wotlk drop

didn't help Trolls got shafted with meme racials like throwing weapon specialization

>Dark Tower game never ever

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I played a warforged barbarian during a run of Tomb of Horrors that was flavoured as straight up being a robot. He was a super by the book military unit. It was fun to talk to and sandbag people with his deadpan and serious behavior.

yeah nice stealthy torches, good idea retard

except trolls are objectively the best pve race on horde due to their racials

Like a true chad

These people have forgotten the faces of their fathers.

>Playing stealth

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did berserking benefit melee classes as much as it did casters?
almost never saw troll warriors or rogues running around


this guy gets it

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I thought blood elves were meta due to the silence. Unless shit changed a disgusting amount since I played in Wotlk