How the fuck did they get away with this?

Also, should i play it again on PS2 with an emulator or the PC remaster version?

Attached: teedus.jpg (1280x720, 116.11K)

Desktop Thread?

ps2 emulation is better than all hd releases.

Emulation left, Remaster right.

Attached: 1497230971355.webm (1024x510, 2.8M)

>Emulation left, Remaster right.
....seriously? it's a blurry mess

How do I get a haircut like that

Meg Ryan

stick a palm tree on your head

Absurd. Do they even look before they submit this shit?

Show the picture to a barber and admit to that you want to look like a fag.

Emulation left, Remaster right.
Notice how the remaster loses all sense of expression in the face thanks to the mediocre mdoels and shitty animation.

Attached: 1512182728341.jpg (3724x3060, 2.38M)


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yeah this is kinda unironically soul vs souless

...his beard is gone

What the fuck, is this for real?

Remaster on PC has mod to see more of Lulu tits so that wins it for me.
and fixes for the faces too


Emulation has that same Lulu mod, it's being used in the webm here

Wait, there's a mod that fixes Tidus face?

is there a mod or anything for the PC version that puts in the old models?

Is there anything SE have ever done right


an emulator


Attached: 1512181388978.webm (1920x1006, 1.48M)

Jesus fucking I can't even

The "remaster" was outsourced to soulless chinks hence why the game loses so much character between versions. If it was done in-house by the same team that did the original game, it would've been great. But SE has no love or care for its IPs so they just outsource to cheap chinkshit studios. Anime has a similar problem now with outsourcing.

You know it's not even the character designs that bother me here. It's turning the quilted tarp cover from obvious fabric into this fucking smoothed out rug for seemingly no reason while oversaturating the colors.

I might be wrong but wasn't the remaster partially farmed out to an external company and they didn't have access to the original assets so they just made them from scratch? If that's not the case and it was 100% done by SE and they still had the source files then this is beyond incompetence.

It's blurry because it's PS3 youtube, but it is worse even on PC.

Texure mods won't fix the models or the expressions.

It was completely remade by another company, with some SE people helping with the new engine.

Attached: yuna 2.webm (1314x1050, 252.1K)

>ITT: ResetEra-style faggots who think they're experts on game development

what was the point of this post?

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phat ps2
crt tv