Does anybody else dislike new horizons? I usually like animal crossing games but this one isn't that great to me

Does anybody else dislike new horizons? I usually like animal crossing games but this one isn't that great to me

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It's on the lower end of the series for sure, but I still enjoy it well enough I suppose.

It's just really disappointing the game we got considering how long we waited. It's not bad but it's not good either. I hope the next in the series drops crafting, breakable items and adds more varied character dialogue. I'm not sure if I like terraforming either. And a better color palette. I hope the wait isn't going to be as long for the next game.

it's new so it makes me uncomfortable and insecure, I'll think of a bunch of little things that slightly annoy me and act like it ruins the game

I don't mind the crafting, I just want them to get rid of breakable items. Its a pointless grind.

haven't liked an animal crossing since wild world

Yeah breakable tools are super annoying. The game is supposed to be relaxing and breakable tools is not relaxing at all.

Nope. I agree. New Leaf was pure kino. It felt like the game didn't limit you as much as it did, and you unlocked the fun stuff as you went through with the game, rather than just waiting. You felt accomplished, not forced.
Also, I think I'm the only one who misses diving. Had alot of fun farming giant isopods.

Publics works projects was clunky and annoying.

It's actually the best one in the series for me. Being able to put stuff outside and design the town is fucking fantastic.

It’s a game for young females. Are you a young female?

That's its only saving grace though; it feels like every other aspect of the game was watered down or made worse

Looking for 1 giant clam pls

>having fun
>tool breaks
>instantly want to stop

its so shit

it definitely has the least optional distractions, and requires the player to do the leg-work for designing their town. the first patch will determine if I stick with it or drop it

what im getting from this is that shit skins who live in hell holes whos tools they use to literally survive break irl and hate it in game while everyone else doesnt give a shit and like the extra nook miles

got bored after 2 weeks. Breakable items is the worst design decision they ever made

I like it just fine, my major gripes are just the inability to craft multiple items at once, the absolutely infuriating loading screens for online multiplayer and the workbench being unable to access house storage.

The nook mile mini tasks and the breakable tools make the monotous day to day in animal crossing slightly more eventful, though it comes off as artifical and at times a little clunky and unnatural to the rest of the gameplay. I really dont mind it since i always have stone clay iron branches and the 3 types of wood in my bag, and all the nook mile stuff is easily obtainable. But it never once has felt grindy, i think people who call it grindy are wrong and probably faggots.

Not really. Sure they streamlined a lot of stuff, but it was for the better. I do miss stuff like gyroids though, but they're coming back.

It was an absolutely horrific decision not to expand to 10 personality types. You really see the corner cutting dialogue with multiples of the same personality on your island.

All the villagers get irritated with you really fast too. And their dialogue loops too much.

Ive read this three times and I still have no idea what youre trying to say

Which AC is your favorite in the series? I've only played the gamecube version before and compared to that new horizons feels so much refined and enjoyable.

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The gamecube one. Im a sucker for low poly. I feel like the new one has too much freedom. I was fine with just paying my Bill's, fishing, collecting things and occasionally chatting up my villagers. My ideal animal crossing would be more varied dialogue, and more things to collect (not craft). That's it. I also can't stand the lighting and colors in the new one. New horizons isnt a bad game by any means but it's not that fun for me.

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Better than new leaf but it's a fucking shame that the original has shit it's successor 20 years later does not

I am not trying to sound like one of those Yas Forums people who hates something for the sake of hating it, but it’s no masterpiece. I have played every single animal crossing game; it was my favorite franchise growing up, so it is depressing to see a lot of people ignore the flaws with this game. Here are some of the problems I have:
1) A lot of tedious shit with crafting (can’t craft more than 1 item at once, ect)
2) Villagers have less lines of dialogue than even GameCube
3) Less items to obtain than even the DS version
4) Paintings removed, essentially a quarter of the museum
5) Only around 20 randomized Islands, gets super redundant using Nook tickets
6) Half of the special visitor characters removed (Crazy red, Wendell Katrina, Pascal, Pete, Blanca, ect)
7) Rare bugs and fish are super easy to catch because bait resetting, rare island spawns, and straight up busted spawn rates. Literally the rarest bug in the game is the cicada shell because of this.
8) Zero mini games, while GameCube and New Leaf had them
9) Holidays aren’t added yet, and the ones in game are inconvenient

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its alright, lack of QoL makes it kinda frustrating to play though

t. this whole fucking board

>Villagers have less lines of dialogue than even GameCube
This is true for every animal crossing game that isn't the gamecube game though

quit buying chinese nets and they'll last longer

Breakable tools silly in general. Instead of relaxing and catching bugs I have to worry about my tool breaking and finding the materials. Its tedious and not relaxing at all.

I have an extra Oarfish if someone needs one, will trade for something cool or expensive so I can sell it. I need money and I'm new to this so I don't know how much an Oarfish goes for, so I don't want to rip people off.