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what was their problem?

......detras de ti.....



They were from Barcelona



Te voy a hacer picadillo

¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate, cabrón!

morir es vivir...morir es vivir...morir es vivir...

Leon joder a mi hermana!

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Is Leon gay?

Avisad a los demas, ole.

He's waiting until marriage.

mucha pley

Why was RE5 considered racist but not 4?

Allí está! Mátalooooo!

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Vos voy a romper en pedazos!

white people die good
black people die bad
How do you not know this already?



ya es hora de asbastar

Anyone else think the game took place in Mexico in 05

No. Since I live in Texas I can tell the difference between mexicans and spanish people.

No dejen que se escape.

No, they don't sound like retards trying to speak a language they don't knos. So it's impossible they are from shitxico.

I wanted to write something flippant about how it's not allowed to portray ethnicities in a negative light, but then I remembered that unlike in RE4 the villagers and tribesmen in RE5 are portrayed as feral animals who snarl and grunt at you
Someone probably tried to make them more threatening than RE4's villagers but overdid it

even if the remake is perfect in every other way, there's literally 0% of them keeping the original accent. I'd find it more believable that they would age down Ashley and add more lewd costumes and panty shots for her before they get VAs that talked like the originals

re4 is about a white american killing white spaniards farmers/cultists
re5 is about a white american killing african villagers/tribesmen

Now put on your context cap and try to think why americans killing spaniards isn't something that bothers people buy americans killing africans is. You can consult a historian on this one if you need.

>a language they don't knos

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Ever heard a mexishit trying to speak Spanish? Or are you one yourself.

Will do, sir! Is it going to be on the test?

because leftists only care about black and latinos, spaniards are borderline white so its fine