Failout 76

Any thoughts?

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Nah fuck that

This is the future of the fallout series everybody!

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jesus christ

I just want fallout 76 to fail already so I can buy it cheap and explore. Im expecting vaguely STALKER vibes

your loss faggot

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wait this game is not f2p yet?

I'm not making a Bethesda Net account and investing hundreds of hours into a game just so a modder can steal all my items and progress.
The only people playing this game are the people from India selling 10$ items they hacked into the game on Ebay.

>Dark Comedy tag
I guess loosing all your items to a hacker is kinda depressingly funny.

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>i'm a fucking worthless journo and here's my trash opinion some retard will start a thread with on Yas Forums

been playing it a decent amount the past two days, It's more fallout, just a little less good then what your used to, playing it with friends is fun, even though you can't play the story missions together...

Wow a game that had a kinks worked out only after two years of fucking up. Sign me up

no, god no. don't do that to yourself. don't even do that to other people. i cannot think of a worse hell to damn someone too than recommend fallout 76 to them
not only is the game nearly the same abysmal state it was at launch, the new NPC's are all dumbfuck assholes. about partway through the questchain to give them a vaccine against zombie-aids i realized that, amid literally nobody even trying to listen to me, that i had absolutely zero fucking compassion for these braindead little shits. the fuck is the point of trying to help the NPC factions if both sides are gigantic cunts? they can get eaten by the giant bats for all i fucking care. they have no personality quriks that interest me, they have no redeeming factors. they're the same brand of retard NPC in fallout 4, i have no reason or motivation to care about these assholes
besides the MAIN DRAW OF THE UPDATE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON LAUNCH, the whole game is still awful and bug-riddled. i keep seeing the world fade out, framerate drops, tables not spawning. fucking awful quality control all around and half of those i'm pretty sure were at launch.
and the balance, fucking balance. if you don't get a instigating sniper rifle and the regen mutation you're going to be wasting a lot of ammo on sponges and a lot caps on stimpaks. and thats the awful part is two fucking things can roll over an entire game's worth of bad design choices
theres nothing here of value for you, me, or anyone. its awful. quests suck, gameplay sucks, collecting recipes and shit sucks, griding for caps sucks. building camps sucks, infinite quests led by voice line spitting robots suck. bullet sponge enemies suck. if don't own it, keep it that way. if you do own it, burn it or delete it off your harddrive then burn that

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>you can't play the story missions together...

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So... It's like ESO in terms of having less fun then the single player ones?
I would say hard pass, but so many multiplayer games are shit these days that I am desperate. I miss the hay days of Maplestory and TF2.

>implying this isn't also the future of the elder scrolls
I don't get how people can have any hope left for TES6 after FO76.

I would probably buy it if it was like $10.

>mfw I bought it and still have it in my account from last year

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Wonder how much he got paid to write that. Only reason games like Fallout 3/4 and Skyrim were good was cause of the modding community. No one asked for this shit. If anything, people just wanted to be able to play those games co-op with their friends and family.

The people that have hope for Bethesda are the same people who bought and continue throwing money at 76.

lol? Isn't this an online only game or something? Cause if it is, man, some of these devs in the gaming industry are retarded as fuck.

Is it ripe enough to be consoomed yet?

Would've been better if you could have companions right from the beginning. It'd would've been cool to have a boy scout you could dress up in different outfits tag along with you, sucking your thick sweaty grown-up cock to regen health, tossing you ammo like Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Detailed sex animations with good voice acting (20 year old chicks have a knack for sounding like little boys, who knew?) would've pulled me in as well.
I think I would've played it then. For now I'll have to see how it goes. If Bethesda releases more content for it, I'll think about getting it during the summer sale.

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Not interested, at best it’s just more of the same Fallout. I’m just bored with it.

Bethesda probably paid em off

>hmm, our launch was a high-speed olympic dive into a flaming dumpster, and our steam scores are below 30%
>what can we do to to salvage the tattered remains of our franchise?
>I know! We'll remove that game from steam entirely, put a coat of paint on it, and re-release it under the exact same name to reset our review scores

and it worked because you idiots, you fucking morons, you see "mostly positive" and assume that Bethesda has somehow stopped being Bethesda in the past 12 months

I would buy it and try it out if it were only $10 and if it didn't require a bethesda account and instead worked with steam authentication. but I don't think I'm going to get my money's worth for 40 bucks.

lol have fun getting cucked into buying a fucking dumpster fire

The only thing that sounds kind of cool are the rare cryptid enemies mixed in there, like Mothman. Are they any good?

The "re-release" is a shaky 1.0 patch, dressed up as an overhaul, and it only exists so that Todd can sell his old diarrhea to a second generation of schmucks.

It's true that Fallout 76 had a rough start. It really is. Even the folks at Bethesda noticed that thanks to the passionate feedback they got from the players who purchased it. This is why they gave their best to improve it and make it live up to the Fallout standard that fans of the series are used to. This is why I advice everyone to give this game a shot.

>fool me once... shame on you
>fool me twice... ?

why the fuck is forbes writing about video games

because media publications are struggling to find a purpose in the information age and will throw up literally any combination of words that cause people to click

>1500 reviews for a fallout game
Wonder where all the reviews are

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