FFVIIR is good, but has some linear similarities of FFXIII progression model...

FFVIIR is good, but has some linear similarities of FFXIII progression model, i hope they make more open-world on part 2 i guess, what do Yas Forumsiggers think?

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honestly I don't really care if they shat on the story as long as we get a CloudxAerith wedding for pt 3 in beautiful unreal engine 5

I think people who are assblasted about the changes are completely justified. However, the changes to the story (while not great) don't automatically make it a bad game. It's pretty fun to play and I'm enjoying it (I also know about the ending so I'm factoring that in)

People who keep saying the game is trash are just looking for something to piss their pants over this week. 7R is easy bait, and they love pissing themselves.

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forgot to add onto I also hope they go more open world and less linear/padding in the next part. Although if it stays linear, that's fine, but it really needs to watch itself with padding.

how will red x111 climb all the ladders in the next game.

I know, he won't be playable lmao

he'll just jump up

good luck jumping mako reactor ladders lmao

Did you even play the game? You dont freely switch characters outside of combat. There will be designated sections where you play as him, ladder free.
The fucker runs along walls and legitimately ran straight up a wall to attack Hojo. He will jump up ladders.

even Barret's climbing i found weird

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