FFVIIR is good, but has some linear similarities of FFXIII progression model...

FFVIIR is good, but has some linear similarities of FFXIII progression model, i hope they make more open-world on part 2 i guess, what do Yas Forumsiggers think?

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honestly I don't really care if they shat on the story as long as we get a CloudxAerith wedding for pt 3 in beautiful unreal engine 5

I think people who are assblasted about the changes are completely justified. However, the changes to the story (while not great) don't automatically make it a bad game. It's pretty fun to play and I'm enjoying it (I also know about the ending so I'm factoring that in)

People who keep saying the game is trash are just looking for something to piss their pants over this week. 7R is easy bait, and they love pissing themselves.

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forgot to add onto I also hope they go more open world and less linear/padding in the next part. Although if it stays linear, that's fine, but it really needs to watch itself with padding.

how will red x111 climb all the ladders in the next game.

I know, he won't be playable lmao

he'll just jump up

good luck jumping mako reactor ladders lmao

Did you even play the game? You dont freely switch characters outside of combat. There will be designated sections where you play as him, ladder free.
The fucker runs along walls and legitimately ran straight up a wall to attack Hojo. He will jump up ladders.

even Barret's climbing i found weird

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I think it's a decent game but some of the combat gets tedious and it might be one of the most graphically inconsistent games I've ever seen. It has some of the worst NPC models, textures, and level geometry while at the same time having great lighting and well detailed main character models.

The ending didn't bother me that much because I expected changes, but the main story beats were mostly unchanged. I really dislike how early Sephiroth is introduced and how frequently he shows up, but I guess it was to be expected since we all know who he is already.

Zekk is alive and Cloud will not only get cucked his simpness will turn off Tifa who chooses to get blacked instead.

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Alright real talk? The thing to be disappointed about?

Its going to be like 15 years before we get the 4th installment of this shit finishing the new rebooted story. And it fucking hurts.

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The world isn't one big fucking corridor you run down. Do you mean progression like abilities / materia?

>it really needs to watch itself with padding.
There's really not much padding in the game besides the small gap/crouch under some shit transitions, which are there purely to disguise loading times anyway. It's fairly linear and only 3 chapters even contain sidequests, the game never requires you to backtrack in order to progress.

Figure that with the engine done and dusted, the dev team knowing what they're doing, and workflow established, dev time on the next iterations won't take even half as long.

This fucking virus needs to go though, so it can get made

If Red can walk around on two feet he should be able to work a ladder as well. It's just a question if they'll try to animate that or not.

The 2nd part will have open world segments, but they will be locked behind mountains, swamps, rivers, and oceans. So it will feel like a big open world, but it will actually be segmented. That is the only way I can see them doing it.

No clue where Part 2 will end. They aren't locked to Midgar anymore, so they can move the story along faster and go where they want more.

They will have to work on the engine when they switch from playstation 4 to 5. You wont even get the next installment for 5 years. When the playstation 6 doesn't happen you'll have to play the last installment on your monthly subscription playstation virtual machine service.

How are they going to have Red XIII pass as a Shinra sailor in a uniform?

The real question is will we be able to go back to midgar or no fuck you we didnt include that in the 150 GB download.

His head sticking out the face and red fur at the rest of the joints? Without any further explanation.

They honestly should've made the end of this game a small open world area around Midgar to play around in along with the chapter select. Maybe just use Midgar Zolom as the impenetrable wall to stop story progress until the next game

I have no problem with the linearity
I look forward to where the Nomura ruse cruise takes us now that they've thrown all the nautical charts into the fucking ocean
hope it does turn out to be some weird sequel

>Linear section in original is linear in remake
>Wow this is bad
>Well the open world section be open world in the remake?

What the fuck do you think retard

Turns out even though you divided it into 4 each section of the remake is its own game. Who could have seen this coming.

Don't they have to make the overworld open-world style? I can't imagine it any other way in a modern/photorealistic game without looking silly.

Besides, they already have experience making big open areas with FFXV

you console bros have no idea how anything works do you

The game is actually much more open than the Midgar act of the original. I'll be disappointed if they follow the same tight corridor structure for the follow up, though.

Ive played every system out there. When making a game out of a forth of a previous game you should consider the linear constriction balance version open world (pretend open at least) feeling.

Red was literally running up elevator shafts.
Another option would be for him to comically cling to Cloud or Barret's back.