That massive building in Las Venturas is a HANGAR that opens up and houses a giant plane?

What the hell? How the hell did I not know this before?

Attached: 25806250287.png (970x730, 1.16M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Finding this is one of the best moments in this game, what a beast of a vehicle.

You’re probably one of those retards who immediately starts using cheats and getting your wanted level up as soon as they get the game, as well as never learning that if you push R3 forward when using the Hydra switches it from vertical take off to normal flight mode. Faggot.

Source video:

Because you're a retard

Because, a random and generic out-of-the-way building, like all other generic buildings, means that one should try to interact with it.

Its neither generic or a basic building, its a hanger, what do you think would be in it you dumbfuck?

Generic airport scenery, especially since all other hangars are for looks only.

You probably didn't know because you're a zoomer and didn't play it when it first came out. When SA was current and was all anyone talked about at school, and all we played at eachothers houses, everyone knew this shit

>links a two hour video

>Generic airport scenery
Ha Ha no

It was in a corner isolated, three times the size of the other hangers and had a massive door that moved down when you got anywhere near it

You have to be a brain dead mongoloid to have missed this

chill out nerd


There is nothing near it.

The actual use the airport has is to go into aircraft. Not to explore a slightly different looking building which has nothing indicating that it is hiding something, especially due to all other buildings being background props.

>go to airport
>go to hangar
>doors open
>there is a plane in it
Whoa, what a secret!

Shame it was a pain in the ass to get it to fly.

Considering that all hangars in prior games, and in the other airports in this game either had no doors, or were static background buildings...

>prior games

If 8 year myself could work it out, you could too.

Also as OP's pic shows, you can see in from the top of the hangar, so if you fly to this airport you'd see it anyway.

You obviously never played the game

The airport was so tiny that literally a third of the airport would trigger the massive door going down on the thing

Its not a secret, its blatantly obvious, like I said you would have to be brain dead to miss it

Because, when flying, the top priority is to look at the roofs of buildings, rather than where to go.

I 100%ed it multiple times across three separate platforms, to the point where playing it feels like a chore now. There is absolutely NOTHING indicating that I should go out of my way to inspect the building at all.

Shame you can't get passengers onto any plane. I got 8 homies in a bus and planned to 9/11 it.

You didn't really 100% it if you never found the plane before

The fact thats its three times the size of other hangers and sticks out like a sore thumb didnt tip you off?

Like I said RE TART DED

Attached: Las_Venturas_Airport_GTA_San_Andreas.jpg (1280x430, 169.01K)

Unique buildings in this game don't have anything special to them, unless if you enter it, or unless a crude joke is made there. It looks like a static hangar to me, and I would have assumed it to be so, since I had no incentive to ever approach that building to begin with, since nothing was apparently there.

Multiple times he said

Attached: images.jpg (275x183, 8.05K)

When I was a kid playing a new game I didn't need any incentive to walk to random buildings to find shit. Ur dum

Its bigger than the fucking concourse you dipshit

Youre just brain dead and a moron admit it

You can even see the door sticking out since it's a seperate environment model.

I am not wasting time to look at ugly textures up close, just because it's there.

Still generic airport scenery.

>Still generic airport scenery.
No it is not

Its quite literally the biggest building in las venturas, its bigger than the stadium you fucking tard ass

If you had ever played the game and not lied about it you would know how massive it is and how much of a fucking honey pot it is

God damn your dumb and everybody in this topic knows it, your not fooling anyone

The hangar at the boneyard airstrip has doors.

Attached: Duck No Background.png (1508x1770, 964.95K)

You're the idiot who is samefagging the entire topic and claiming it is "everyone", you moron.

That was intentional to be known by the player.

Why would you let CJ fly??

Idk about OP's question but I have to ask
Was there really a place where an interstate goes UNDER the taxiway of an airport like Las Santos International? I remember seeing that and being blown the fuck away that you could just taxi over cars and off the taxiway and into the tunnel