What's a modern/recent RPG that has Persona-style autism (developing monsters/summons or some other kind of...

What's a modern/recent RPG that has Persona-style autism (developing monsters/summons or some other kind of pokemon-stand-ins with skills and shit) without the dating sim elements? Preferably not something that's cancer to look at like the PS2 SMT games.

An SRPG is fine too. I was thinking maybe Disgaea could tick some of these boxes.

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bad post

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth is the only one that comes to mind.

nice bait bro.

Let me show you some real autism. I’m currently building personas just because I got nothing to do.

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yeah I've been eyeing it for awhile, will check it out

Disgaea is basically a unit raising sandbox

Play a real shin megoomi tensai game you fucking casual.

>taking pictures of your fucked up tv when the PS4 can take screenshots
Yeah, you're real autistic alright.

yeah so that's basically what I want, something I can endlessly grind for improvements

Seconding this. OP is a fucking faggot

same OP, wish other games series had the autism potential of demon fusing

Attached: Persona 5 Royal_20200406013633.png (1920x1080, 1000.44K)

just in case you are an actual retard who doesn't know, go play the Megami Tensei franchise. Persona is a part of it and other game series in it don't have life simulator/dating sim elements.

How you max stats like that?

wanna try elaborating?

idk if you bothered to read the OP but I specifically said SMT looks like eye cancer, the older games like DDS at least. Do you have a specific modern example?

in royal, just use gallows fusion when a fusion alarm is triggered
just look it up its pretty easy

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>SMT looks like eye cancer, the older games like DDS at least
the fuck, nocturne has amazing art direction, the environments look really nice

it looks like a desaturated vaseline filter simulator bro

your shit taste aside, there are plenty of Megaten games that aren't on PS2. If you want a SRPG you can give the Devil Survivor series a try.

looks fine to me, but then again im no zoomer so graphics never bothered me
your loss really, you want a great autism fusion system yet you're playing a game that doesnt offer nearly as much as what you could get
cant even be autistic the right way lmao

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what even is that level design, fuck this shit I'm just going to go with pokemon romhacks

whatever you say, fake autist

he's just seething about P5 for fucking his favorite rpg of choice in the ass, nothing out of the ordinary

P5 is a rpg? i thought it was a shitty social sim

Order your skills jesus christ
Good job though

P5 has great QOL improvements over the SMT games I've played, and is way stronger visually. I just don't feel like going through the dating sim elements again, once was enough for me personally.

"qol improvements" is just another word for "casualization"

SMT IV and Apocalypse give you the most freedom on how you can build your demons (you can give almost any skill to any demon if you have enough patience) but you're a graphicsfag.

Either get the stick out of your ass and play SMT games, or go play Digimon or Disgaea.

>preferably not something thats cancer to look at like the ps2 smt games
nocturne is still a perfectly good looking game to this day, honestly taken aback when i remember its a 2003 game

Are you a fag?

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Strange Journey.

just play disgaea

>Pagan Allure
This is aspergers at best

I only got through chapter 4 of Disgaea before quitting a couple years ago. Is it worth restarting?

kawakami shits all over these hags

Have I got a series of games for you.

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