What did you think of Celeste?

What did you think of Celeste?

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Part of the problem with indie platformers.

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Fucking garbage
Super Meat Boy is way better AND more worth it

pretty gud, DLC was hard af

a very well-made, mechanically tight platformer with only a few levels like so, in other words, part of the solution with indie platformers (which are often shit)
super meat boy is better, yes, super meat boy is extremely good. celeste is just a little worse.

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you can tell that everyone who posts this image has never played the game

good music, was really fun
never got around to 100%ing it, doubt i'd be able to handle the c-sides or whatever the super hard levels were called

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I know this will sound weird and counter intuitive but I feel platformers like it that just have perfect 1:1 controls to your inputs with no weight or momentum just feel like shit to play
I didn't like the level design either but my biggest problem was with the controls, it didn't feel like I was controlling a character but some weird thing instead and since the game was so easy to play with no tech nor need for mastery the levels had to compensate by being cancerous clusterfucks
I also hate the art style but that's another thing entirely that doesn't really affect the game itself since at least it's very readable

It's fun, but demands a lot of patience at the end.
It's unusually sensitive for a game like this. I don't know why someone who's into difficult platformers would want to play a panic-attack minigame.

i think this just comes down to taste, if you like things like meat boy or N++ or dustforce more
i used to only like those momentum-heavy platformers but once i got used to the more precision focused ones i get both of them

>the game was so easy to play with no tech nor need for mastery
There are advanced techniques that you can use at any time but they don't teach you until the B or C sides. Using those turns the A sides into cakewalks.

I'm not playing tranny shit
Fuck off

A sides were fun and offered a slight challenge, B sides were frustrating and made me hate the game, they all felt like this youtube.com/watch?v=E5DgpGx3rtw
You were saying?

Mario maker is a godsend. So glad mario's physics and enemies aren't confined to Nintendo's baby-accessible level design anymore

Does this game even have any enemies?

t. filtered
and let's be honest, 6b is unique that way and all the levels in 6b are really really good

Really? I enjoyed B sides because of the challenge. It was a rush to play. Now C sides can fuck off

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There are a few in some levels. It's mostly raw platforming.

bearded guy was cute i want to fuck him

C-sides are easier than the B-sides

They're short so they feel easy.

Shorter not easier. Specially fucking Core

No they legitimately are
I got all the gold strawberries on all the C-sides
B-sides are much tougher

the fact that there are spikes everywhere doesn't diminish how many different ways you can approach every section/jump
and there are only like 2 spikespam sections in the entire game, each with only like a few screens

How far did you all get?
I finished the C-sides, chapter 9, and got the first golden strawberry. The rest can fuck off.


We can all agree the music is godlike

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When will indie developers get over DUDE SPIKES LMAO?

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Pretty much the same. Golden straw are just time consuming, not worth it imo

This and unironically. I feel like the 'build your own shit' trend that Minecraft made mainstream has been a hugely positive influence on the industry.

The hotel level sort of has enemies but not really

when it stops being fun and challenging

who gives a shit, what else should be the hazard?
people understand spikes, they immediately get across their game function just by looking at them

So ten years ago?

whatever your example of "the good platformer" is, it's shit
you just don't like the genre
so fuck off

Ghouls 'n Ghosts is way better than any indie platformer.

game of the year and madeline a cute

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Really enjoyed the game, just about 100%'d everything except the golden strawbs as they can fuck off.
Farewell took me 9 goddamn hours to complete plus another 2 for the moonberry that I missed.

Attached: fucking moonberry.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

After Completing Farewell I hanged my coat. Got everything I wanted out of that game, not going to ruin the experience by taking the C-side challenge.

Yeah, too bad mario maker 2 died so early, hopefully there's a new update announced at E3 or something
Also, fuck 20 second speedruns

That's a shitty arcade game user

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I wanna cuddle madeline

It's one of the best platformers.

I'd call GnG an "action platformer" not a "platformer"
I'd also say Celeste and Dustforce are slightly better, but GnG is my #3 honestly

completed everything but several of the tougher goldens
i got all the c-side golden strawberries, 1a, 2a, 4a, 1b, and 2b.

He is quite the cutie

>got to the checkpoint after the longass maze
>"Whew, it's almost over. The rest should be no problem"
>spend almost another hour wall climbing with jellyfish

She's a fine gal but the other part of her is who I really like.

I had 7000+ deaths on Farewell alone, what was your count?

Are you guys insane? 99% of levels in mario maker are pure unplayable shit.

It was nice when Yas Forums had threads since most of the levels here are good. The basic strategy you want to use is to go to the new section (The Popular and Hot sections are filled with baby-difficulty levels, endless is filled with speedruns), look for a good level (You can tell if the user is older than 12 by if the title is capitalized or not), and then play other levels by the creator

I would've gotten the moonberry faster if I noticed the other set of springs I was supposed to chuck the jelly at in the electric area around the top.
I spent so many meaningless deaths throwing the jelly at the wrong springs

Too lazy to make a soundless webm

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