If you were in charge, what would you do with it? be realistic

if you were in charge, what would you do with it? be realistic

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blow most of the funds on bullshit and then they'd have to make another morrowind

combat system that isn't just weightlessly swinging a nerf foam sword with m1 until the thing falls down

the problem is how do you find a combat system that is fun to play for a knight character, but also fun to play against for a thief or mage character

freedom is elder scroll's big strength, but it's also the root cause for most the worst parts of its gameplay

I miss it when these games gave you endless amounts of freedom. You could break everything using only in-game features.

fallout 4 but with swords instead of black people

>fallout 4
fuck no

>New, original engine dedicated just to TES so you don't have horribly modified dragon animations and AI pathing being fucking used for Vertibirds in Fallout
>Michael Kirkbride in charge of lore and making sure the main plot is consistent with the lore
>Todd Howard is strapped to the machine from A Clockwork Orange and forced to stare at piles of money being burned with gasoline with reminders that this is what he is doing by running the company

Procedural wilderness and minor quests/dungeons. Hand crafted main story and major sidequest content.

Basically make Skyrim 2. I'm running a business and in business we make money so fuck your lore, fuck your realism, and fuck your elder scrolls

>New, original engine
People who say this don't know what an engine is, or what it does. A new engine does NOT necessarily mean that you'll get better graphics, AI, etc. It does mean that the content pipeline Bethesds has built for twenty years will evaporate in smoke, and that'll have bad consequences for the quality of content, and it won't exactly help modders, either. It'll be fifteen more years on the new engine before we get something like sexlab.

Curved. Swords.


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I'd finish it before releasing it.

Take the dungeon design points from Morrowind. Sometimes a shitty little tomb is just a shitty little tomb with nothing in it. No more back doors either.

Make magic and enchanting much more open. If I want to make a spell I should be allowed to

Factions should actually feel like factions. If I'm a member of one faction I want that to reflect in the play through. It makes no sense to be a member of every faction at the same time.

>Michael Kirkbride in charge of lore and making sure the main plot is consistent with the lore

That's right zoomer, procedural.

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take ideas from id and make it fantasy Rage 2 if not Quake

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>beach right there
>none of the towns extend to it they just wall themselves off
>towns aren't connected

Hire someone that can actually program their way out of a cardboard bag.

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>If I want to make a spell I should be allowed to
what if you make one that unbalances all content though?

games shouldn't come prepackaged with a hammer to break them with

Get Mordhau guys to do the combat, From Soft to do the environments and hire Kirkbride to write the lore.

>games shouldn't come prepackaged with a hammer to break them with

IKEA furniture comes with the tools to assemble it and break it apart and they're one of the most successful companies in the world.
Nobody figured how to break morrowind and oblivion with magic right away either but the fact the means existed arguable extended the life of the game.
If the developer doesn't want you poking around in the mechanics of the game it's a telltale sign theyre not confident in their product.

An excuse for bad game design, litterly not having ANY game design at all lmao, a system made from lazy devs that wanted an excuse for players saying the map layout sucks (its procedural sweetie shouldnt have bought it if you dont like it)
Name 1 game that isn't grinding autism that would be worse without procedural, you can't

Easy, make combat much more dangerous for every party. You die more quickly, but you also kill more quickly. Blocking reduces a huge amount of damage and is beneficial to do. Melee is more deadly than magic and archery to off set the ranged advantage they have. Give the player a dodge button that gives them the ability to dodge attacks as a thief character. Give two handed weapons to ability to deal more damage through blocks and knock enemies back. Differentiate weapon types through stats and perks, bring back Blade and Blunt, but separate Axe into it's own category. Bring back Spears.

Are you a two handed axe fighter? You deal additional damage through blocks and have an "Execute" range that deals more damage to lower life targets.

Are you a spear fighter? You have longer range and can push foes back with power attacks. Additionally your dodge rolls are faster than the other two handed weapon types.

Are you a knight type character? Your shield bashes after blocks deal additional damage and cause staggering. Your one handed attacks gain additional bonuses depending on weapon type.

Are you a spell blade character? You trade defense for additional and more varied offense in your off-hand and changing between spells doesn't come with an animation like switching a weapon does, making you more versatile as a result.

Etc, etc. There's a lot of flexibility within the system if Bethesda would even put in the least amount of effort. It would also make encountering different enemies more fun. Oh? A bandit camp? Well I see there are two guys using big maces, a guy dual wielding daggers, and a mage type character. Now I have to think about how I'll fight each one instead of just killing them instantly from stealth at range or bumrushing them and M1ing them to death.

>From Soft
you fags are insufferable

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Also the exact team that made quests for New Vegas to do quests.

So Daggerfall?

Make it an actual RPG with stats and where your choices actually matter. Dragon's Dogma-like combat.

Are you disagreeing with the fact that From Soft makes aesthetic as fuck environments, you contrarian migger?

daggerfall. There are things in that game that only works because of it's scale. And it's scale only works because it is computer generated.

>melee more deadly than magic

Guarantee you have unironically said "I could be an ideas guy" at some point.

They make shit games, with shit environments, for weirdo weebs and anime watchers.

add tons of faggot bullshit and find ways to dumb it down even harder than skyrim. This time we are going harder for the faggot/nigger/woman/child/minority market and diversity is our strength.


Who in god's name actually enjoys this shit? What do you find more exciting, going into a dungeon and uncovering a secret the developers intentionally placed there for you to find or running into dungeon seed No.435u4w4w5 and opening random loot chest 3 for more vendor trash?

The elder scrolls is a single player game. It would be hell to endlessly trudge around in a procedural hellscape with no love or oversite. Half the fun of these games is walking around the hand crafted world they've created and seeing the stories.

>litterly not having ANY game design at all
What a disingenuous post

>What do you find more exciting
being able to replay the game and not see literally identical shit on my 5th playthrough.
procedural is objectively better than hand placed. don't worry, as you get older you'll begin to understand this simple fact.

Rip off dark Messiah combat. Bring back spell creation. Make the characters acknowledge players status. Add reputation and morality as tracked stats.

Bring back the spell system from Morrowing, make the questing more similar to games like the Witcher 3 or Deus Ex

whatever bethesda was doing in the first place, after wastelanders my faith for the company has been restored. maybe if i would add something it would be stat checks for dialogue and also low stat dialogue.

>with no love or oversite.

Yeah because walking into another drauger dungeon with the exact same copy pasted room layout and assets really screams of love and care, or one square mile of wilderness that already looks like the next 10 square miles of wilderness? I don't just want computer generation for it's own sake, but because bethesda is the last person I'd want in charge of hand crafting anything.

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I know you're fucking with me now but procedural is way more limited than hand placed. At a certain point a player will experience everything the generation engine can throw at it and then you're bored.

I know for a fact there's plenty of content in Skyrim and oblivion I've yet to touch.

Create far more player choices, overhaul the speech skill so that it's actually useful and unlocks new dialogue options that can change gameplay, and overhaul magic.

Literally just make the quests cool again who cares about anything else


I unironically prefer a degree of randomness in RPGs. I know not everyone likes it, but shit like the loot system in Diablo and Nioh is really fun for me.

Did you just wander out of 2010 gamefaqs forums or something?

Maybe move onto a new game you poor nigger. Devs shouldnt program a game with the 5th playthrough as a guiding point. Make a memorable game, not a bland sandbox.

Procedural will always be held back by the limits. Algorithms are limited by their coding. If it's put there by hand it'll have more significance.

I'd actually make an interesting world and actually use some of the lore that has been made up.
Of course, we're just going to get a generic forest with big trees.

>Daggerfall has better exploration than Morrowind
fucking faggot bitch

anyone who advocates for procedural game design, ironic or not, should be gassed

Then blow the funds to fucking clean this engine up.
There are still bits of code in Fallout 4 attached to Morrowind spells, engine runs inconsistently at best, graphics are average, physics are tied to framerate, shit's bugging out because reasons. How this passed in 2015 is beyond my imagination.

>Half the fun of these games is walking around the hand crafted world they've created and seeing the stories
Oh boy, I do sure love going through Todd's horseshoe draugr dungeons for the hundredth time and completing the same radiant quests and reading notes where NPCs talk about their deaths to the draugr.
Lets face it, its the same principle, but dumbed down with each game, Morrowind was the closest to a nice balance.

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>if you were in charge, what would you do with it? be realistic
More whacky Kirkbride lore brought to life.
Fun combat. RPG stats that support the combat. Spell creation if possible.
Dialogue that emphasis distinct player choices with different NPC states on each player choice.
Each quest has to be memorable. Get rid of the trend of completing quests in the wrong order, just lock players out of dungeons if they're meant to talk to an NPC first, fuck.
Have an optional "hardcore" mode that has some minor survival elements, turns off fast-travel (public transportation is a must, then) and waypoints. Just make sure that quest locations are by landmarks so you don't have to do the Morrowind thing of "eh in this general direction".

More pacing changes. So embrace the concept of shorter, punchier quests and dungeons to pace out the player between the gigantic ones.
Curb the ambition. A gigantic civil war quest? Massive location-changing outcomes? It's just not that feasible. Concentrate on memorable setups and character-focused payoffs. A more intricate, smaller world if you can't simulate a bigger one without it seeming empty and lifeless.

Make magic powerful but rare. Make it more deadly than melee but harder to either find or use.
Also make melee more solid and less floaty. Hits with a 2 hand sledge should feel like a truck, not like hitting with a purse.
Also more weigh to storylines and reputations, like guilds can be exclusive. I shouldn't be able to be arch mage and fighter champion.


The combat is fine imo its gonna be modded 100 times anyway and if i want a game that give me that good challenge ill just open sekiro or modhau

For sure, but in Diablo the aim of the game is getting the best and shiniest loot for your build so you can get more loot faster.
The elderscrolls is a different vein of RPG and while loot matters it's really secondary to the narrative and setting.

I agree, the drauger dungeons were ass. I didn't like skyrims dungeons or the way they all had convenient back entrances. I think Morrowind had it right where each dungeon was a complete crapshoot as to what might be inside. Sometimes you might have to stop because you can't pick the locks or you can't levitate. Some might just be a useless single room. Sometimes you get lucky and find a truly rare and unique artifact hidden away. Each dungeon had a certain intent behind it and I want that in the next game. Bethesda fallout were good with it to a certain extent.

Nothing wrong with a forest setting, they just need to actually do something with it. Instead of just open spaces with caves all over.

Bring back stats but not with the morrowind or oblivion leveling system, that was the worst system I've ever played. Have a more standard exp system with the ability to allocate stats on level up.
Make the stats mean something both in combat and outside.

>Also more weigh to storylines and reputations, like guilds can be exclusive. I shouldn't be able to be arch mage and fighter champion.
I massively agree with this point, but additionally there should be a special order and character build that allows you to do all of them a-la Age of Decadence's true ending. As a general rule though, the average player should only be able to complete 70% of the game on a single character unless they work out the right order to do things in.

>its gonna be modded 100 times anyway
why do people say this? nearly a decade later, and there isn't a single mod that fixes Skyrim combat to make it not suck shit, it's still damage sponge nonsense

We're not in the world of 80's roguelikes anymore user. Dwarf fortress generates more unique backstories by complete randomness than the entirety of elder scrolls series so far has come up with. Combine the massive strides that computer generation have taken in the decades since daggerfall, with things like AI learning which a giant company like bethesda would have access to and the possibilities are endless.

Moreover you can still design all the hand crafted shit you want WITHIN the procedural system, you can design the special dungeon for that one special sidequest you've got in your head and have the AI put it wherever it needs to be. You can still hand craft major cities and major NPCs. And better yet you'll have more time to do it because your level designers aren't going to be wasting their time making sure that they hand place every fucking tree or rock out in the world. You can literally have all the handcrafted stuff your heart could desire within a procedural framework.

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