This a thread in honor of Totalbiscuit, so lets recount what he did for the gaming community

this a thread in honor of Totalbiscuit, so lets recount what he did for the gaming community

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get cancer and die

he literally took it up the ass

And that about wraps it up



Last time I watched him was when he still played WoW and WoW was the main focus of his channel.

I hated how he branched off into "general" gaming to cover everything. I hate 99% of video games, so you just made me hate 99% of your content.

This is why I say, if you ever plan on being a Youtuber, be very specific, very focused, and don't try to be 100 things at once.

Made sure Fortnite took its place as top PC game. Suck it minecraft niggers.

Most new fps games have an FOV slider, he was a big pusher for that.
Most console ports are not complete dog shit, he always started his videos by going into the options menu so I give him part of the credit for that.
The steam main page now has top sellers, new games, new and trending and an upcoming tab for games. He used to complain about it all the time, I think he's the major influence for that too.
Also he's the only good curator on steam as well.
I disagreed a lot with his personal opinion on games and he sucked balls on most of them, but I miss the guy and I think reviewers nowdays are shit because he died.

You had some incredibly shitty takes, but you helped fight against shitty industry shit so I can't help but respect you. RIP.

good times are fleeting

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he become one of the most successful gaming youtubers by doing these many things
so he lost your autistic ass as a fan? big deal you were replaced thousands of times over

Spent a house on some Star Trek gacha.

he replied to my tweet once

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>play one hour of a game and review it based purely on that
>Im nOt a ReVieWEr
What a hack. He hid behind his insistence he wasn't a reviewer so he could spout off whatever malformed opinion he wanted about anything without having to finish it because he didn't give a shit about finishing 99% of games.


>tells wife to continue his podcast and WTF series so his legacy doesn't die
>she doesn't last 2 months

about what?

1. he was right about graphics menus
2. I enjoyed a lot of his sc2 content. I forget what it was called, but the series he did with the crazy gimmicky maps was always really fun to watch

your post would have been complete with the simpsons gif/webm of "you lost yourself a customer"

Autistic retard who only likes Wow of all games.
Why are you even on this board?

I havent played WoW in many years, and I still think 99% of video games are dog shit.

Objectively terrible advice. If you stick to a small niche, you limit your audience and your own creativity. You can only do so much content on a single game, and while some have been successful sticking to a single franchise (VaatiVidya, Oxhorn) even these channels attempt to branch out into other games.

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I think he himself said it best about people like you.

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Man, atheists are really embarrassing.



overall I think he did good and stood up for vidya game consumers

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damn youtube has changed

He yelled at his wife for wanting to vote for a third party instead of Hillary Clinton.

This was a shit show because they had to replace one of the other clowns and the map that needed to be locked was leaked to the wining faction ahead of time so they had all the time in the world to shore up defenses and take and hold of the best defensive locations.. Planet side 2 was dope.

good man

>praises DmC and thi4f
>oh no! people are pointing out why the games
>changes his opinion on the game
what a great guy

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hes not wrong
not taking the requests of randos is a valid stance
didnt have to go off and be a dick about it tho

do you really think that freddie mercury would've listened to all the retards pestering him to make hip hop/pop music or whatever the fuck

why cant you zoomers just shut the fuck up and just play video games?
why does everything have to come with an identity and have a community these days?
i bet you post on Yas Forums and ask for social media nudes too cuz you cant imagine fapping to a pair of tits without knowing her name, address, ph#, email and instagram account.

freddie mercury would have handled it better than tb

He destroyed arenashooterfags

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Whined and bitched at his wife over trump shit. Whined when trump got elected. Then died.

Are traps gay?

Pretty based

they're hot though so who cares

How? None of those games were any good which is why nobody played them.