Pick high level mastermind

>pick high level mastermind
>all my opponents are low level
>pick low level mastermind
>all my opponents are high level
Resistance Thread

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>page 9 with no posts
Ded game ripip

Friendly reminder that this spray was the result of hundreds of hours of internal testing and concluded this is how 90% of Sam's play

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Anyone know where I can find fan art or lewds of Sam & Martin?

Also, has anyone made a percentage list for any of the skill equipment for survivors?

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Attached: nay nay resistance.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>another game with a "roadmap"
into the TRASH

Attached: sammyboy.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)


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>join a group in which everyone knows how to play their character
>finally win against Spencer easily

Sams are either bizarrely proficient and impossible to pij down as MM or complete retards. Zero inbetween.

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>tfw realize i love playing as survivors because of protecting people

I found the guard hiding there a couple of games ago thanks to seeing this webm.

need someone to play with on steam that knows what they're doing because I don't. need help

Why is Valerie the cutest?

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>When you kill a team that are using boosters in area 1

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who do you play?

>the queue times when Nicholai comes out

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so far ive only played Valerie and January

I finally got to play some MM games. I won the very first one with L1 Annette, and then lost all the others. I love the feeling when you grab Tyrone.

Try looking for good players and then add them to steam so you can start building a team. It happened to me and the games against powerful mm are easy and more enjoyable also.

sorry but we already have a Valerie and a January

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Alright, Idk why i havent done that
it's all good. Is Martin fun? i saw his kit he seems hard to use or not really helpful but I like his personality and design

he is not bad but good luck finding a team without any retard running intro traps

I guess I'll give this a try since I've finally lost all hope of them adding anything to RE3. Is it as grindy as some people say it is? I don't want to suffer through a few dozen hours of eating shit just to get to the point of having some fun.

>I like his personality and design

Generic nerd boy?

yes and his new skin is pretty nice

only if you play as mm and then again you can play spencer and win easily

>Entire team enters doorways simultaneously when I kick them in
>There's a landmine waiting for us every time
>Nobody learns from it after it happens for the third damn time


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>play Alex
>success hinges exclusively on how many survivors know how to look down
>the rare close game is tipped in either direction depending on how many blue herbs they have

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I feel like I notice more Tyrones doing this

Tyrone mains have fragile egos but Sam bros can take the banter

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