For me it's Cecil becoming a Paladin. What's your peak final fantasy moment?

For me it's Cecil becoming a Paladin. What's your peak final fantasy moment?

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when it turned out he was there all along as he remembered except he wasn't a SOLDIER he was just a regular troop

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General Leo wrecking shit in VI

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maybe that or FF6's whole final boss fight for me

Zidane teaching Vivi the meaning of friendship by pissing off of a cliff together.

That time Galuf saved the multiverse by entering his immortal battle against Exdeath wielding a Cure Staff and the Berserk ability, locking the two of them in combat for all eternity

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For me, it's Rydia's sudden return during the Golbez fight.
Golbez is dropping party members one by one..
All hope is lost.
>suddenly, a Mist Dragon attacks
>"That voice..."

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That entire raid on Alexandria in IX with those moments like Steiner and Beatrix fighting those mist beasts and Alexander wrecking Bahamut.

For me, it's whenever Relm shows up and you get to hear her comfy theme song

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Cecil is the best Final Fantasy protagonist

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Recovering the Falcon (second airship) in FFVI.

>Steiner is so fucking pumped to be fighting side by side with Beatrix he gets a free Trance
fucking hype

>Sepiroth will replace Golbez in the Remake

I weep manly tears when Red XIII discovers his father frozen in stone in FF 7. The Cosmo Canyon theme really heightens the feels there.

Sure, but Exdeath is the coolest villain

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Squall smiling after the credits in ff8

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FF14 is a dumpster fire but I'll be damned if this wasn't the hypest shit ever.

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FFVIII Ending cinematic

Being reminded that I have yet to finish this is the worst

I feel like Cecil's conversion is somehow cheapened by him being a Lunarian.

Like it turns out this isn't a seasoned warrior overcoming his inner demons and turning his immense mastery of the dark arts into the ways of the light, it's just a guy unlocking his alien superpowers.

this game had no right to be as enjoyable as it was

You haven't even reached full Alexander kino yet.

Steiner was the best written character in IX, and potentially the best written character in FF.

Cecil is the only protag to canonically have a child, while saving his soul, his woman, his kingdom, and his world. He overcomes everything and succeeds in the face of overwhelming odds.

I don't know if he's the best protagonist, but I would argue he's the most successful.

Probably shadow's storyline in ff6, I didn't really understand it until I was a bit older, but man, when I did, that was some sad stuff.
Locke's pretty sad too.

There's always Kain doing the same thing in TAY without the Lunarian blood. But TAY also sucks shit.

Yeah, this came long after I quit. The transformation itself is kino as fuck but the theme after that point is just so boring. Brute Justice was just such a fun fight it made doing weeklies bearable.

This one.
FFVII is filled to the brim with emotional, heartbreaking scenes. They all just get overshadowed by Aerith.

Yeah TAY is TAY, but there is something poetic about Kain being such a cuck white knight he achieves a hyper White Knight status never before achieved by humans.

I didn't like ffx much but the final battle with Jecht is pretty kino

Cyan touching Gau inappropriately

Alexander's themes have no right to be this kino.

I enjoy TAY's only for the final boss rush using whatever characters you want, but getting to that point is such a slog. Did enjoy my last playthrough with palom/porom/rosa/rydia/leonora in all their mage glory. Could not fight Shinryu though as his initial attack just wipes my party before they can even do anything since they have so little hp. Maybe they'd live if I got them to max level but fuck that