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>only non-nintendo property is shown with switch
the fuck dumbass

Cybersluts is also on the Switch

Yo-kai Watch should be either a blank space.

All of them are based. Case closed.

>The Quartering

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Why does the Pokemon guy look less soi then Digimon? I mean I don't really like either but I assumed Pokemon was the lowest common denominator of the two (or three I guess).

Fuck you, digimon isn't basedboicore

Not sure what Yokai watch is but im sure its a hella of a lot less gay than those other two

I didn't expect the Yo Kai watch anime to be funny at all but damn it surprised me. Shame the first game was so boring, the ghostbuster ripoff seems amazing but I can't be assed to pay $100 for it.

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>not buying it digitally

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Digimon has always had the better plots and generally the cooler monster designs. Its weakest area was the video games, and that's been turning around of late.

It isn't a Nintendo property, tho.

There's a ton of shotafags into so probably not.

based on fur faggotry

talking about the games ya dingus.

You can play it in 3, though that also costs $100 (physical copy).

Why do people have such a problem with him again? He doesn't seem like a bad guy.

>Nobody cares about Monster Rancher

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>No TemTem

They're all shit for mindless soibois

Digimon needs a better meta, that's what's holding it from becoming the best. Started playing Cyber Sleuth recently and it makes Pokemon Black look like fisher price

I prefer fondeu personally.

He reeks on incel, even though he’s married

Yo-kai Watch should be the standard for all monster collecting games.

Switch Pokemon and Digimon. Replace Yo-Kai with either DQM or SMT.

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The quartering is a faggot who might literally try and sue me for this post

He generally has no opinions on anything or any kind of input himself, and as per the norm for the last few years, his only content is reading tweets or articles to make videos.

gigachad? more like gigafag kek

I like all the games, though I miss the more heavy monster trainers we lost over the years like Monster Rancher.

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i hope this image explodes in popularity

That's literally wrong. Swap the first two.

I heard the first Yo-kai watch game had a more serious tone, and it's kind of a shame that they moved away from it.

Cyber Sluts showed that investigating weird shit in the "real world" caused by mons is a winning formula.

Search for the video where Mister Metokur calls him a pussy for 20 minutes and he just sits there and takes it like a cuck

Pokemon is probably the most soi, yeah.

Jim talked to Max? News to me.

>Digimon is the onions one out of those series
You obviously did it to bait so here's your (You)

I have never spent any money or time on a pokiemans, but I did buy Yokai Watch for 3ds. The fuck is a digiman?

>yokai shit

So is Hatred, you double nigger. Digimon has mostly been on Playstation consoles for most of its lifespan.

kek, alright got something to kill time

You missed one, OP.

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Not him, but the guy got punched by a tranny once, and didn't do shit about it. What a fag.

where's Yugioh in this?

A Digital man, made out of data. It started out as a Tamagotchi spin-off but when the anime happened it all spiraled out of control.

Dangerously based

>out of control.
It went perfectly fine.

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What the actual fuck is Yokai Watch, Monster Rancher belonged in the best spot.