This is Alice from Etrian Odyssey

This is Alice from Etrian Odyssey.
She's a waste of a slot in your party and can't contribute to battles in any meaningful way.
Say something nice about her.

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Bitch makes me tons of fucking money.

I still made four clones of her and farmed the shit out of the first floor.

I used a Farmer in Nexus who was the MVP. Constantly landing binds and ailments and dealing solid damage with Silver Thrust/Leaping Rush/Tri-death.

>didn't use Farmer/Ninja to dunk on random encounters and FOEs with bullshit instant death and petrification procs
>didn't make a party of farmers to make tons of money
I pity you. Nexus went and made them genuinely good too.

For the life of me I cannot make a balance team in Nexus. My first team can't even beat the god damn first boss without some of them dying. using Nightseeker, Protector, Shogun, War Magus and Zodiac team comp.

I usually have a dedicated farming team separate from my battle team, so having farmers be an actual available class is very convenient.

Nice Cowbell

Use a Hero you nincompoop

I decided to start again. This time with a Harbinger, Hero, Sovereign, zodiac and Farmer party comp.

the noises that would be heard as i rhythmically beat her Cowbell

It balances out when you put a hero in your party

Alice is the best name for a loli, prove me wrong.

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Zodiacs are really garbage. I hate that they seem to be the only class that can do magic damage at all.
I wish they had brought Runemasters or even Alchemists instead, or at least that, say, Gunners had their elemental shots in basic tier. Also, if you run Hero, run 2/3 (or at least a class that can go in either row) as you'll want the shadowclone to stick and hit people at full power.
My cookie cutter team was Hero/Highlander - Princess/Warmagus/Gunner

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True but my autism wants that elemental damage. Although, I'm wondering if I should switch to gunner for the elemental attacks. and what do you mean "run 2/3 (or at least a class that can go in either row) as you'll want the shadowclone to stick and hit people at full power."

he means run 2 people in the front row and 3 in the back. Personally I like 3/2 parties since it means that regular attacks are spread out over 3 people instead of 2 since they usually don't target the back row.

Oh, That's what I have. I think I might Switch out Zodiac for gunner.

>just noticed that the gunner elemental skills are all the way at the end
actually forget what I said about gunner. I might switch him out when I get the elemental bomb from Sovereign.

Sov's elemental skills are kinda bad, at least compared with the ridiculous buff suite. It'll take you forever and it's gimmicky as shit, but your Hero does have elemental attacks. Alternatively, you could run a Link party with Landsknetch, Spear Assist Highlander and a Sniper/Nightseeker.
Unupgraded Links and SA can do decently for your elemental needs in the early game, a lot better than the Zodiac.

She's no Ricky, I'll tell you that

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God damn it. Please don't make me start the beginning again. The party I have now feels good to use and nobody has died.yet

>She's a waste of a slot in your party and can't contribute to battles in any meaningful way.

Look out!

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I could have sworn I called her Farmer3 as part as my gathering slaves

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>he can't clear the game with 5 farmers

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Considering that subclassing has almost no downsides and zero restrictions, that's really not that hard to do.


Even 13 years from then


How do i build the Hero in 5?

sub into wildling for elephantbro isn't horrible


Guys please don't start Etrian Odyssey threads my backlog is so long I don't want to play another one of these games again, you are tempting me, you are making me think about subclassing and team building again.

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