Is this what the average FF7R playthrough is like?

>Mindlessly spamming attack.
>Only using whatever abilities are on L1 hotkeys
>Never using assess/reading the info for how to stagger/pressure an enemy.
>Not listening to the exposition dumps in the first 4-5 chapters and then remarking that the story/explanations make no sense.
>Sitting on full ATB charges for non-controlled characters.
>Never counter attacking, whether by doing half assed mode swap timings or just holding block in Heavy mode
>Being 30 hours into the game and only JUST getting to post-plate fall Evergreen Park.
>Actually having to regularly use hi-potions and ethers because occasional Cure/Cura and MP regen can't keep up

Having seen this in like two or three people I know play this game...this isn't the likely average quality of it?

A complex masterpiece, FF7R ain't but even that's just...

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haha tifa tiddies are BEEG


I did spam attack to ATB as that IS the best way.

I always paused and selected abilities - never hotkeyed.

I assessed every new enemy though by Hojo's lab I stopped.

I didn't not listen/skip anything.

I stopped countering mid-late game unless it's an enemy specifically weak to it (soldiers, shock troopers) or unless I was solo Cloud. Generally, aggro is to unpredictable and it's faster to just swap around doing abilities than waiting for a counter.

IDK the duration or what time has to do wotj anything.

I generally used items over healing for a lot of the came. MP is too precious and Item Master is real strong.

Honestly, Im pretty pleased with tiddy size in this game. I feel they did her justice, especially paying attention to the fact that sports bras do shrink boobs a bit while worn.

I mean, to an extent spamming attack to fill ATB is true but theres such a thing as mashing square TOO MUCH, like if you see an enemy winding up or if you're nearly full on TV.

Yeah, one person I watched pressed X first but then they'd L1, so they'd have the pause but then use the hotkey, and the only menu I ever saw actually checked was spells. Another person basically just mashed attacks n spells.

I suspect by Hojos lab, there stops being new things to scan so I'm guessing I'll get to that point soon, having just started ch 16 myself.

I mean yeah, don't sit there holding block unless its required, but in one case they were like "swapping takes too long, i keep pressing triangle and it doesnt swap!" meanwhile the games following through their 10 presses of square in 1.5 seconds. I actually learned about 15~ hours in that as long as you press triangle and are starting the swap as you're attacked, it counts as a parry/counter; its way more efficient than swapping early and waiting with block. And its pretty generous with timing for swap blocks.

The time was more cause in my experience, most runs are beaten in like 35-45 hours for FF7R, no? I'm at like 29:46 and I'm at start of Chapter 16. Only things I missed were Am/Pro squats, like 1-2 johnny incidents, and Leviathan + Master 12 magic types (+however I get Bahamut) And maybe some Coliseum, assuming Aerith had unique fights to run before the dress portion.

I found benches and cutscene restores plentiful enough, not to mention the natural MP regen (bleh) that I didnt really need to be too careful with MP and cure/cura. Especially since still, at Chapter 16, Cura is more cost efficient than Curaga, and Cura does about 3200-3800~ from each character, and most characters are only 4300-5600~ or so in HP max. I still used occasional high potions when I wanted to be a LITTLE conservative with em, but ive been sitting at 60-70~ potions and high potions for about 15-20 hours now, and 25-35 phoenix downs.

you're mindless

they literally shrunk them so much the suspenders float above air

Attached: 1587175784173.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

You are literally retarded
Holy shit
This is not about boob size this is about suspenders physics, retard

Hi I'm
I was more referring to the fact that Tifas tits are CLEARLY bigger in her dresses than when compared to her 'Fight attire'.

They're too small, homo.

Don't care, they messed up her body.

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Except her size is accurate to the first and 4th image.

The 2nd and 3rd images constitute a total of like...20-30 seconds? of FMV in the original game.

She had like 3 or 4 models in the OG;
Battle Scene
and like 1 or 2 FMV models with differing boob size.

That's it.

Also old ass graphics, so Im a bit concerned as to why you're holding them as scripture with the proportions so clearly out of wack.

Keep telling yourself that, homo. Not only are her tits small but they totally fucked up her proportions too, she looks like a mongrel.

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Dropping in just to say that you are pretty based barry, but why do you not like FF7R? Surely its the closest game to XV in multiple ways?

Once you get used to this game it's pretty easy. I'm blazing through hard mode having an easier time than I did on normal.



















>Phoneposter crying about reddit spacing

Every part of her looks weird as hell in Remake.

>still seething over the canonical, definitive version of FF7

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I think the hair looks nice and while her face might not be perfect "Tifa" they did a good job on that. I like the boots too even if they're not the same as they were in the original.

But yeah, the rest is really messed up. The skirt for instance is really low quality and her thighs are low poly which is just baffling after Nier Automata.

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Why is she so smug?

do you know what a "compression top" is

or a sports bra

they're literally held in place by tight clothes to stop them bouncing around while she fights

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Up- and motorboated.

This is a bad thing and her tits are not aesthetic at all.

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It's what happens with brainlets

I am not Barry lol.
I actually enjoy 7R's combat for the most part, but it has some issues to be fixed. Flying enemies are a bit too jittery for how hard it is to stick to them (though alleviated by proper magic spells, and Barrets gun) and desu, Tifa's combat flow is probably the smoothest of them all. Very fun to play as her.

I'm not judging/comparing the game to 15 at all; all I meant with my comment was that 7R's systems are not some complex masterpiece (neither is 15 lets be honest, Barrys a bit of a loony) so the fact that I've seen multiple people try to brute force 7R's simple action RPG system is...strange to me.

Its not a complex system to follow, so trying to brute force with mindless attacks seems like more time/effort than to just assess n follow each enemies easily listed pressure/stagger requirements

Yes. I am aware. Which is why I referenced them in
this post...?

Woops. It double tagged ya. Apologies 849.

From what ive seen you simply wait til you get a stagger than burst the enemy down instantly.
This is pretty different from XV, which was the hardest FF game purely because of the fact that it wasnt turnbased.
It makes perfect sense that people would try to bruteforce it. People easily bruteforce JRPG combat all the time.

Uncanny valley effect. The boobs in remake only look big because she's so uncommonly skinny.

I don’t think anyone in this thread has seen irl titties before, or women before. Those things are huge, at least a d if not f cup in a sports bra. Like y’all stay tripping lmao

They're not huge enough, faggot, Stop deflecting.

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Except IRL titties can vary in size?

I'm OP and I can honestly say while I think they did good work on Tifa in 7R, im still more of an A-D cup range guy myself in preference.

Because she will win the Cloudbowl again

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Very true, thank god this game is coming out to PC.

I think he's a Tifa man sorry user. I've only just gotten to Aerith's house but I think they made her personality way too flirty/overly cute in the remake, maybe she didn't have enough time to show that off in the original.

Yes and no. Early enemies can be bursted, and some mid/end game squishies will be bursted.
But most bosses and a lot of moderately tough enemies will not be killed by a single pressured/stagger rotation, especially depending on how quickly they were staggered.

Is there no way to tell if youve already scanned an enemy or not? No little symbol or anything?