Why are people who are really into Halo usually pretty cool dudes?

Why are people who are really into Halo usually pretty cool dudes?

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Shut up Trevor.

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You're a cool dude, OP.

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It's a normie series. I'm not even saying that to be demeaning, Halo was probably the first successful attempt at attracting young adult nongamers into the medium of vidya so most of them are just normal everyday people.

This means they they have little to no actual taste in vidya but it also means they don't have any of the autistic baggage that comes with nerds and fandom culture.

In his defense, the similarities between Ender's Game and Halo are quite fascinating

Okay normalfag

he was kinda cool

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The Halo fanbase is one of the most entitled, bitter, fractured, and emotionally driven/zealously irrational fanbases I know of.

t. halo fan

Those people haven't given a shit about Halo in over a decade. All the normie dudebros dropped off Halo after CoD 4 came out.

Because they are chads like the Chief.

Because they've got nothing to prove.

This, they're like Metroid fans.

The last couple games have been shit and MCC was botched, twice

Can you blame them? They had like 2 games in a row that were below average taken as a whole.

I like Halo he kills aleins

People who are "really" into Halo are the scum of the earth because they're all that's left

Everyone who actually played Halo and enjoyed it is long gone, driven off by these paid shills, lore autists, furfags, schizophrenics, otherkin larpers, and predatory marketers looking to make an easy cash-in.
Halo's ubiquity attracted social rejects who latched onto something popular and built their entire lives around it simply because it was a vector they could use to interact with others. Their lifeline to feeling "accepted". They didn't care about the artistic vision, the gameplay experience, the love and soul the developers poured into their craft to bring the player a fun game, it was all lost on them. All it meant was that they finally had a way, an excuse, to connect with other human beings and feel "normal". So they invested their entire lives into Halo.

Not into the game, no, but into the idea of what "Halo" was to them- and of course being social rejects with no education, qualification, or civility, and being far too personally invested in something which in reality they had absolutely no impact or involvement in, they fell into cliques of basic human tribalism and launched into violent fits of hysterical autistic rage against anyone who thought any differently about "Halo" than they did.

I'd argue that "people who are really into Halo" did more damage to Halo than 343 ever could. Not to exempt 343 of any fault because 343 draws from and utilizes these "people". They're irrational fanatics willing to do anything for "Halo" regardless of pay and 343 and microsoft don't care about quality or qualifications as long as their product turns a profit. And why wouldn't it? It's Halo. The marketing hasn't changed but the fanatics that obsessed over their delusions about a videogame are now the ones behind the wheel.


TL;DR nigger

Halo 5's bipolar. The campaign's trash but the MP is great.

Too bad the MP is always online, negating that postive point.

>people who enjoy halo's lore can't be real halo fans.

you forgot this chief

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Grew up in the safest time period where you still needed to work hard for things.

They live happy lives and are happy
Like most retards and kids

generally older than most kids who play video games. Know how to communicate and have fun.

like what? I have never thought of this before

The issue is "real" Halo fans are insufferable and at odds with what the majority of Halo players, fans, and casuals actually want. No one gives a fucking shit about why Gib'tuvk Fartama wasn't properly represented in a game after 6 books of lore, they just want a cool bad guy to fight. At least 343 created one with Atriox. They'd do better if they just stopped making books altogether and executed every lorefag on a livestream.

People are still into Halo?

Nailed it.

Not just that, they need to make Shadows of Reach their last book and kill Blue Team off leaving only Chief.

I honestly blame Joe Staten.

>The Halo fanbase is one of the most entitled, bitter, fractured, and emotionally driven/zealously irrational fanbases I know of.
1000% fucking this. Here's an example.
>MCC announced
>everyone excited to play Halo 2 online again after it shut down in 2010
>releases in a shit and barely playable state
>3babbies derailing any matchmade game that wasn't 3
>goes untouched and unacknowledged for 4 years
>Halo 5 still going "strong" with "free DLC"
>Microsoft finally gives 343 the OK to try and fix MCC after 5 dies down
>343 gets the idea to collect player feedback
>Reachniggers arrive en masse to shill their dead game
>be me, someone who had fun with reach, but knew when to let sleeping dogs lie
>know that 343 needs to focus on fixing their game, not add more spaghetti to the plate of shit
>know that if they brought reach back, it would just highlight the issues of the original release and/or break the collection more
>every single halotuber and influencer begs for reach
>"fix" releases that's basically a rebuild of the entire collection
>actually functions
>eldewrito fiasco happens
>community seethes, yet refuses to keep playing despite it spreading like an aussie wildfire simply because they had fun reliving memories of 2007 for a weekend, got bored, and went back to playing their normal shit
>mcc pc announced, reach included
>have a terrible feeling in my gut, because I know damn well that it's going to be a shitshow
>mfw it is
>mfw all of the retards who begged for reach are now alternating between "ACKSHYUALLY REACH WAS ALWAYS A BAD GAME" and "REEEEEEEE 343 RUINED IT" every 5 seconds

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I hate the Halo fanbase more than the Metroid fanbase, Metroid fanbase is at least healing but I'll be happy when Infinite is release that way it will finally shut these retards up.

343 shill spotted. They always blame the older fans and call then entitled when they literally grew up with the game. It's a common tactic when people mention how shit nu halo is.

Halo has the Quake 3 problem. The best versions of Halo already exist and new games will always be worse.

I've found that diehard Halo fans are also usually very heavy Bionicle fans too. An odd correlation, but a welcome one, regardless.

Halo fans who liked Reach only liked it for the campaign. There is no such thing as a Halo fan who enjoyed the shitty multiplayer which was the beginning of the end for the series between loadouts and powers that brought you OUT of the flow of combat (lowered your rifle). Plus they lowered walkspeed to make sprint feel critical. Was a total shitshow of a multiplayer experience that was only saved by custom matchmaking and forge (which was left out of the early access PC release).

Honestly Microsoft really dropped the ball here. I can't imagine how they fucked up so bad.

I just like having a match of slayer my man

I didn't even like the campaign of Reach.

I agree I'm just stating out of the small segment of Halo fans (people who had enjoyed the trilogy) the few that DID like Reach liked it for the campaign and nothing else.

Halo is personified by its 1-2-punch gameplay. Grenade-rifle-melee. With the edition of powers they fucked up the flow of combat. They tried to emulate Modern Warfare and permanently sent Halo to its grave.

Before it was baby-Quake for consoles with epic music and a big campaign. It had slope jumping, nade jumping and other physics based movement mechanics that were quite nice. The bloom shooting mechanic wasn't great but it was to be expected from the time period.

Then the art change in Halo 4 and 5 shouldn't be an issue, also why when I watch Bionicles I always got this Metroid and Halo vibe from it?

>343 openly admits to hiring people that hated Halo
>343 drives off whatever diehard fans were left after the shitshow that was Reach with an even worse game: H4
>343 purposefully ruins the MCC after claiming every game would play exactly how they did at launch, knowing full well nobody would play Halo 5 if it were so
>343 still suffering from PTSD from H4's pathetic population, so they hide it in H5
>Microsoft to this day refuses to release H5's actual sales numbers
>Fake Halo fans lie on the internet by saying they've been playing since CE, while simultaneously bashing the older games and praising the newer, more casual ones
>Fake Halo fans were the same people during the H2 era that were always bashing Halo in general because they sucked at it (COD players)
>Fake Halo fans (COD players) are finally able to play "Halo", because they have crutches like sprint, thrusters, etc. They hopped on the bandwagon, and pretend to be fans
>Everybody (COD players) that defends Halo 5 on Halo Waypoint is shit at the older games, and most have low ranks in Halo 5. Even champions in H5 suck at true Halo
>Fake Halo fans (COD players) get angry at stay shaming and report your posts. They enjoy taking it up the ass via supporting microtransactions and social game modes.
>Fake Halo fans (COD players that hate Halo) refuse to post their 50s from H2-H3, thus proving my point

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