This is trying to be a movie

There is too much CGI in this shit. The portion from the train graveyard to the end of the pillar blowing up and escape was killing me. Cgi scene move ten steps get another CGI scene. WTF. Its making feel trapped. Ive even started to get annoyed at crowd control effects on my charecters stun sleep silence whatever. I get mad when flying enemies fly sort of out of range of my melee characters. Am I the only one feeling this? I dont see too much CGI showing up on google. In the pillar explosion sequence you lose Jessie and Biggs and there was emotional CGI and I mostly was just sitting there hating the game for taking control away from me. I am currently at sephiroth at the end and the hardest part is memorizing the cgi breaks so I can do better on the next attempt. WTF is this only me?

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>jrpg tries to be a movie

Nigger why the fuck do you keep saying cgi it's a video game the entire thing is cgi

Ya but its constantly cutting away from me playing at crucial times. Cut scenes all in my shit. I should be playing but suddenly I am just watching.

I wish there was even more movie scenes. When Elmyra was telling the story of how she met Aerith, the Shinra tower stuff, I wanted more of that. It was done so well.

And the original tried to be a novel, with so much text after text. What's your point?

I want to play the game and it keep cutting away. Its worse cause I kinda like the combat.

I'm playing through the original and it's pretty much the same

it's bad because you are a teenager with ADHD

Literary the opposite. These cut scenes are to sooth your teenage adhd.

Yeah me too I love how the original makes me run around talking to 20 characters about NOTHING

At least that is you pushing buttons with something happening. This time its just constant cut aways from actually playing. I think this playtime might be half cut scenes.

>There is too much CGI in this shit
There is actually shocking little amount of cgi in this, something like less than 10 minutes total of footage

Oh you mean cutscenes.

Yeah personal preference, I liked all of it.


There is a shit load of cut scene time.

cgi isn't cutscene. Use the right terminology if you don't want to be confused.


Im just constantly annoyed about having the controller pulled out of my hand essentially. I only really felt it with all the pillaer destruction sequence. And its coming back with Sephiroth as each phase has a cutscene. And I think he has an actual move that causes one.

I thought that shit was the best part of the fight and honestly the game. It made it feel less videogamey and reminded you that you are battling in a "real" location.

Using different angles to convey attacks honestly is pretty dope, and using damage numbers in cutscenes in Sephiroths fight was hype as shit.

I think you're being a baby and projecting control issues but that's just me

Its honestly half an hour. and its I am not doing anything for half an hour. Lets not pretend this game has rpg elements its either kill shit or watch cut scenes. The fucking wall market dresses are the closest thing to actual choices here.

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Shit don't tell this guy about kiseki games

It feels very much like a Naughty Dog style cinematic action game with cutscenes connected by action setpieces connected by mostly linear levels. I actually think the more RPG like chapters with sidequests and freeroam are where it's at its worst, if only because the graphics obviously weren't made with open spaces and daytime in mind. That being said, unlike something like Uncharted or Last of Us, I actually give a shit about what's happening and I enjoy characters, story and setting.

why does the fact that some douche made a shit game series mean this game has to have the same cancer.

yes retard, that is literally what a jrpg. hours upon hours of sitting still pushing X to make the dialogue go faster.

It means that you don't like it and that you shouldn't try to conflate 30 minutes of cutscenes as an objective fault

This also never happens and you are being extremely hyperbolic

I have been thinking while playing this. The original ff7 was so gameplay bound that when some of the cut scenes happened they put your character on top of them and you actually got to move during it.

Alright, pack up the materia and weapon leveling system. Pack up stores and collectables, sidequests are gone too, just fuck it and pack it all up.

hi, me again, you're having a tantrum, put the controller down for a few days and reflect if you are being rational or not

Bullshit the entire sequence from the ghost train yard to escaping the pillar explosion on a wire with barret was at least 50% cut scenes time wise probably more.

You're being extremely hyperbolic and need to take a break.

Those are just minor shit on the side. You are following a linear story.

Right, but you need to remember you JUST claimed the game had no rpg elements in your temper tantrum, i'm just pulling you back to reality.

I watched a multi min cut scene. Got control of Aeirth walked ten steps and got another multi min cut scene. I wanted biggs and Jessie to die faster.

And? What's different from the original?

Im sorry it seems square has managed to dragon age 2 levels of rpg minus the story choices. Because even dragon age 2 had more rpg in it.

That doesn't sound like 30 minutes. Again, you are having a temper tantrum, act like an adult. You are playing a JRPG for christs sake, if anything, the game is relatively decent on cutscene vs gameplay ratioing

Less cut scenes. You had control. Like I said in this thread they even had cut scenes that let you move across them to keep from taking control away.

I'm packing it in, go take a breath and leave the thread. I am.

Why are you acting like those don't exist in here as well? The game is predominantly non cutscene dialogue anyways, it just clearly disguises it better, or you are being obtuse and not identifying these moments

Less cutscenes, less gameplay too.

Fuck it, i'm going to shit on your take.

here is a cutscene movie cut of the original, both games average the same completion time

here is one of the ff7 remake that is very poorly cut and includes lots of gameplay including action segments

Almost the SAME if not better ratioing. Again, you're being a baby.

haha oh fuck, BTFO

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too lazy to read th supply chain but are you arguing FF7R isn't a movie game because it has as many cutscenes as the ENTIRE FF7?