Who is better, Nero or Nero?

Who is better, Nero or Nero?

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Both suck
For me it's Nero

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Nero bad

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Ah, a fellow Nerofag, good taste

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Be quiet, Boobica

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Umu's umus

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For me its Liz

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I would have sex with Nero
Also this moron.

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dumb lizard

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Based Horta destroying shitdragon.

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Obviously Nero.

Why won't they just make a fucking hentai already

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It started as hentai, they don't need to do it anymore.

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We need more Nero

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I wish, it started as an eroge that didn't even want to be one

Why would you love an tyrannical egomaniac when the superior alternative already exists

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I would like nero more if she was her own character and not a saber clone for no reason

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Semptem ruined this shit forever. Also Fate Boudicca is a lame character with one of the worst character designs and artwork in the series, which is really saying something.

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Because I like her more

No, you will like her as she is now

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God damnit that ass window gets me every fucking time.

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Is there an in-universe explanation for why 25% of the characters in Fate are just Saber and 25% more are Rin?

>hair down
god damn this is so much better than the boring ass saber hair

Fuck yes it is, you user of superior taste

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Not really, although the stupid MHX thing sort of addresses it.
Really though it's not worth dwelling on, especially how an 19th century nip can somehow have exactly the same face as a 5th century Roman-Celt or various other European variants.

The supposed reason that Nero and Artoria look similar because the legend of King Arthur puts his lineage as related to such and such roman commander who is related to Nero indirectly. It's a huge reach and it's stupid but it's not as stupid as some other shit in the franchise. All of the other saberfaces are literally different versions/classes/timelines/etc, of Artoria except for Okita who is a joke character created for a manga.

>25% are rin
What are you smoking? there are more sakuras than there are rins. Hell Rins in like 5th place after Saber, Sakura, Tamamo, and Liz for most versions.

This. Literally two characters are Rin, and they are also both kind of the same person anyways.

Well there's Jeanne, but ironically she doesn't even really look like Saber despite Gilles mistaking them.

If I knew much of anything about Fate I wouldn't be asking in the first place, just seems like I see a lot of Rins around

Yeah, there are actually more unique Shirous than there are Rins thanks to Demiya and Muramasa.



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I saw this in another thread. Is she the new mascot of Fate or something? Did they finally got rid of Artoria?

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>The supposed reason that Nero and Artoria look similar because the legend of King Arthur puts his lineage as related to such and such roman commander who is related to Nero indirectly.
That's entirely a fan theory which last I checked had no lore supporting it. I'd know, I'm one of the idiots who suggested it in the first place.

>unconditional love for Roma
>a bright candle that burned short
That's how I knew she was the best Fate waifu

theres only one good nero

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I can't pick between Nero or Nero. Nero is just too perfect.
I love my emperor!

Well for rin you have
Rin, Ereshkigal, and Ishtar (but ishtar has 3 versions)
Which is lightweight for fate compared to say sakura who has
Sakura, BB, Melt, Passionlip, King Protea, Kazuradrop, and Violet. Oh and BB and Melt each have 2 versions.

there better be a full version, or an artist name

All these voices inside my head calling me DEADWEIGHT


Oh, i forgot Sakura also has Kama and Parvati.


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Thank umu for the source

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I appreciate how whoever made this made the text in the chat match up