How is this possible?

How is this possible?

Attached: east vs west.png (1525x823, 2.01M)

scared girl is pretty cute imo.

Have Swedish people seen the eye to face ratio of a homo sapien sapien?

you cherry picked one of the better looking npcs because FF7R has some awful fucking assets i tell you.

Objectively wrong. Like mathematically wrong. Good god...

Day of the hope can't come soon enough.

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Irrelevant when compared to main characters
You want to compare the worst asset of one game with the supposedly best of another? C'mon nigga think..

it's a fucking NPC you interact with for 30 seconds you idiot, not even a main character

Game on the right is developed by Swedish cucks, so women can't be sexy cause that's misogynist and somehow sexism in videogames causes women to be raped in real life. Go figure.

I can cherry pick too

Attached: anyone can cherrypick.png (2678x1080, 2.7M)

Based Danes know how to do NPCs right.

Attached: 863550_20181113211425_1.png (1920x1080, 2.38M)

you see them for half the game actually because of how padded out it is and 90% of the NPCs look fuckin awful there's no excuse. if you can't make the game look consistent then don't put that many pointless NPCs in.

right is french and everone knows french devs are based

I need the image of the Sopranos guy pointing out the fact that the Jews were kicked out of over 100 countries

Random NPC vs the two main characters from Wolfenstein Youngblood. If he had picked Tifa or Aerith, it would've be even worse. His point was that western developers are so shit a designing characters that even a random NPC in a Japanese game filled with dozens of random nobodies is still better than the best that Sweden can come up with.

my bad but i just had to prove a point

e.y.e. is french you absolute retard

um attractive women in games are literally self-esteemrape okay sweaty

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Because the new generation of americans are obsessed with the new "beauty", which is actual just a person with fucked up overused genes that have gone 100mph fucked up wayward

To me, it's like people thinking pugs are cute. Like some sort of it's so ugly it's cute kinda thought process

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>Because the new generation of americans are obsessed with the new "beauty", which is actual just a person with fucked up overused genes that have gone 100mph fucked up wayward

This is Bullshit.
But I believe it.

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OP pic is fair comparison. Its not cherry picking at all. It's like western dev's have never seen a women in their life and people have to constantly make bad faith arguments to justify it. Women can be pretty, they can have big boobs, boobs giggle, fucking get over it.

yeah but there have been games in the west which women look attractive to some point of degree. I.E the whole overwatch porn thing

>French devs are based
I dunno Ubisoft seems pretty gay to me.

I'm probably wrong but I think it's because Jap games are more stylized but western games want the realistic looking games with realistic faces

>boobs giggle
they do? what do they sound like?

I've never heard tits giggle.

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>in game engine

>comparing NPCs and MCs is fair

Wasting resources on an NPC is a sign of a horrible game developer.

The comic sans makes it extra sophisticated

as if the western side is not the truth.
this industry is filled with pozzed shit.

>boobs giggle
Fucking spooky.

It probably has secret developer nipples underneath those clothes...disgusting dev's thinking they can hide their shame on simple npcs