How do I gain IQ to play this?

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The biggest leap in productivity I noticed was when I started really focusing on hotkeys. I know it's kind of boring, but you need to come up with a good hotkey setup, then keep playing with it, taking notes each time you play. Use those notes to figure out which changes are needed. Your hotkeys should improve over time until it reaches the point where it is so efficient that you don't need to worry about perfecting it anymore.

>buy game so I can play with Yas Forums
>it doesn't work on winblows 7 even though everyone said it does
>look on steam forums
>the fix is installing the update that adds wangblows 10 spyware to 7
I'm going to keep complaining about this because it's fucking bullshit

Or just set the same hotkeys as every pro.

shit sounds gay. im sticking to fps games.


>Windows 7 in fucking 2020

You need to learn the logic to build-order, scouting and spending resources.
You should always be trying to optimize how you're using your resources. The food you have queued up to train 20 swordsman can be better used by creating more units more quickly. A thousand gold stockpiled is useless because it's not being used. You need to have a Just-In-time approach to your resource collection; stockpiles of resources, or harvesting the wrong ones at the wrong time mean that you're essentially wasting the villagers' time.
Macro in age of empires is more important than in other games because you can't optimize your income by being better at gookclick like harvesting minerals, it's about planning around your goals and adapting to the enemy. Putting villagers on stone early doesn't help you if your doing a feudal Archer rush but it does help you if you're fast castling or going to turtle for a fast imperial.

i need to know this shit even against the cpu?

Just upgrade to Windows 10, old man.

Why wasting time asking for advice when you're not going to take it? Seriously some people just want attention

memorize build orders and pop some adderall

yes even hard ai will fuck your shit up unless you go full esport apm

The new cpu is pretty good about early game pressure. You dont need to be great on execution but finding out the general algorithm for your early game doesn't hurt. Learning how to lure boar, when to time your first couple lumberjacks, optimizing your early game food production, what to do if you have a large body of water nearby, etc. Is all a good idea. The new cpu knows how to lure boar, do some pretty optimized early game scouting and will try to be cheeky with early pressure and sheep-steals. You can watch it to figure out a certain baseline, as it doesn't cheat with it's information except on the highest difficulty, if I remember correctly. It's also a good idea to watch some YouTube videos, T90 and Spirit of the law are, while certainly not the sole voices of reason and should definitely be taken with a grain of salt, knowledgeable and have some pretty good advice for new players.

People mention three (I think) updates, you don't actually need the spyware one out of the three, just install the other two.

Just watch Youtube videos from pros.

In fact, here's a vid from the current best-ranked AoE2 player in the world. Not only is it informational, but it gets quite funny towards the end.

If the AI is kicking your ass you might want to switch to the old (CD) AI which is significantly easier to deal with. I find that the new AI on moderate is about as good as the CD AI on extreme, while the HD AI is slightly easier than the newest one.
Anyways you want to put pressure on the AI as early as possible, if you let it boom it will start pumping out dozens of units and the new AI will micro the hell out of every single one out of the range of your units and annoy the shit out of you.
Get a basic generalized build order down, learn how to deal with multiple TC production and how to pressure the enemy. The AI in particular is susceptible to early aggression.

Give up and just play scenario games. All sorts of things available.

Huns only

Learn to flush
Learn to fc

Life's simple U pick one thing and get good at it or pick everything and be good at nothing, the counterbalance to this choice is keep living to yourself.

The highest calibre of gaming is 4s in aoe2 bar nothing else

-2400.00 elo

>turn cool, comfy game into memorizing what keys to mash
>barely even look at the game outside of microing then back to clickity clack
THIS. This is why RTSs failed.

9 times out of 10 gamers are their own worst enemy

Getting good at booming your economy might the most important thing, you shouldn't focus your attention too much on raiding while neglecting your economy. If you watch Spirit of the Law's new video against extreme AI he isn't even really good at controling his military, he just throws them at the AI, formations and efficiency be damned, but he does have 4+ TCs at home which keep pumping out vills.

practice dark age until you get the execution down, then practice feudal scout rush, or feudal archers. the average elo online is like 1000. you don't need to be good to find competitive matches for your level.

Not going to make it.

Enjoy you're dead genre, sperglord.

I approach this game the same as I've approached SC1 in the past
I just watch pros play it, and don't play multiplayer myself at all. Love watching tournaments and shit like that. And it's not like you can't follow it just because you don't play multiplayer yourself. It's almost as easy to follow as SC1.

>I can't remember how to make my units do what I want them to do, this is the games fault, why would there be so much customization in bindings and micro strategy? 0/10.

I just make pretty little towns for 10 minutes until someone throws out some English Longbows. It's kinda fun.

got it off steam and it works fine on win7

Thanks, I do really like to enjoy playing my favorite dead genre than pretending to play it, complaining and shitposting on the 4chinz.

How the fuck do you effectively learn RTS games? The usual methods are the same academic bullshit that never worked that got pushed down our throats for decades.

I always fail at multi-tasking and when i try to do one thing at once it's vs the AI which is no fun at all. I don't want to repeat a hundred things each a hundred times to have some fun and get dabbed on in multiplayer.

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>waaaaah game too hard for me, I should be able to master it in a day or this is BAD DESIGN! Waaaaah!

>Rock paper scissors

watching others play is the most boring shit ever

gaming is dead, 90% of gaming is people repeating the same battle royalle map over and over again to get enough points to get new skins, average IQ and attention spawn just dropped too much

First step, read and remember all the information about all units and races
Second, learn the 'race to Castle age asap' dance off by heart, the build order and how many villagers do what where etc.
Now you're ready to start learning how to play the actual game against people!

Not going to make it.
Remind me why Yas Forums is so awful at videogames again?

>RTS games
literally just find a build order, do it faster than the other person, and you win
no intelligence required

So you need actual autism?
Not everyone is an autist who has time for this shit. I wanna have fun.

>Game requires you to press keys
Waste of time desu

>have to do the same faggy build order every game to get to castle age as far as possible
holy fucking boring

Pretty much. It's my main problem with a lot of RTS games, there isn't really an enjoyable way to learn things up to the point of playing online. You read wikis, you watch long ass youtube videos telling you what to do, and you lose a lot of games. Then the player count falls off a cliff and you do it again in a different game

yeah, that's why only niggers and mexicans are good at RTS and not the high IQ scandinavians and koreans who always wins the championships, it's totally not intelligence related

here you go

I said i'm not an autist and want to have fun

How does it feels not playing videogames while posting in the videogame board?

>Follow build order

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high reaction time doesnt mean high intelligence
clicking buttons faster than the other person isnt high iq
unless you think being good at cod means youre smart

>'Reduce yourself to my level of intelligence and mental speed!'
How does it feel to be a granny?