ITT: Your go to drink while gaming

ITT: Your go to drink while gaming

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Good choice but I like burping so I drink beer.

Which beer

Fuck the heavy shit, it's poison.

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This, dark beer and wine is the true red pill

Sake goes down easy and is deceptively hard for someone like me who hates the taste of alcohol. It's also my go-to cough syrup


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your dad's cum

coffee + rum for me in honesty

Only way I can get through the average moviegame.

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White Russian or black coffee

I'm starting to fail to understand why people drink while they game now. I usually end up not remembering half of what the fuck I did and having to restart from an earlier save. At least with games that play like that.

user you're not supposed to drink that much.

Fernet Branca

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I dont like playing games when ive been drinking either, I feel bad for my team because im playing like a retard

It makes embarrassing dialogue tolerable, that's for damn sure.

liberal tears

I always forget to drink and it gets warm

Water because fuck alcohol

>Evan Williams
I see you have excellent taste.

unlike the majority of things you can buy a fifth of for $11, it's drinkable neat so I may as well drink it

I drink powdered lemonade mixed with water.
>moved to new place yesterday and didn't have hot water
>had to drink regular water
>tfw you drink water

i finally bought a flask to take camping with me

I hope you don't mind me asking, because I've been chomping at the bits to have this answered.

Is it good for you?

Dr Pepper or Arizona Green Tea are my favorites but I've been cutting down on sugar a lot so water. I'm down to like 2-3 sugary drinks a week.

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it's just virgins larping
never have I ever gotten home drunk and thought I'd have a good time playing vidya

I unironically like playing games with my irl friends while drunk
Mostly 100% OJ

Casamigos tequila

you're not drunk, you're tipsy

Good old bottle of Jack Daniel's. Usually I just drink straight chilled Whiskey. Vodka isn't to my taste and I'm not a fan of tequila. I like flavored Whiskey too, though the lower Alcohol Content means I need to drink more of it. When I first started drinking I just drank Vanilla Whiskey. Upgraded to straight Jack after a while.

I always end up playing a few games of Smite until it kicks in and I can barely control the character. After that I'll switch to something less Real time reliant. Usually it's just fun to chat with my friends while getting wasted and playing games.

I've never met anyone who drinks fernet who isn't or used to be a bartender.

swigs of cheap vodka out the bottle. It makes for a good time but haven't done that in a couple months though

If I'm bored as fuck with nothing to do, sometimes I like getting smashed and hopping in competitive online fps games like csgo or apex legends.

Enjoy a life of poor health shitheads
Sipping on some chamomile right now
Its just water but it tastes good and makes you feel good
I pity you all

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Apple juice


>drinking tea at 1am

Teafaggots are even more insufferable than waterfags DESU

Do you use heavy whipping cream to make chocolate milk and if not GET OUT

its not getting home drunk and then playing vidya you retarded faggot, its playing vidya and deciding to get drunk for fun

grape kool-aid

Blowing through all the shit I don't actually like on my liquor shelf since I ran out of all the good stuff. This quarantine is brutal.

The fuck is this?

Rum and coke

Screw that, weed soda is where its at

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on my 5th gin and tonic with some monster ultra
yeah, thinkin i'm gaming tonight

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chamomile isn't tea.

Congrats on kicking the world's most deadly habit, user. Got any good weight loss?

was sober for a couple months but now I'm back on my alcoholic shit

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