ITT: Shit you do when angry while gaming

ITT: Shit you do when angry while gaming

>Slap dick on microphone during online play

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if i start actually getting angry then i stop playing and do something else for awhile, usually browse Yas Forums

>still having emotions

This site isn't for your kind, normie

Doh ho that slaps me on the DICK!

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>get angry at video game
>browse Yas Forums to destress
>get angry at retards on Yas Forums
The eternal seethe

That's why you just go to a board you barely visit. You can just jump in on arguments and not care who is right or wrong while still getting smug satisfaction.

>Getting mad a videogames

Attached: Its from quotlight of tsukimi manorquot now go whack off _0a2dc0ff515963553bede4643509067d.jpg (404x552, 58.4K)

>dick to microphone
>microphone next to mouth
>"haha dumb nerdz i showed them"

think about your actions homie

>anime poster has low testosterone

Do a quick sigh and put it down.

Probably go exercise or go relax

>squeal and fling own shit at the window
>haven't seen the daylight in weeks

>t. hasn't played the Soul Calibur 5 campaign

I just start nitpicking about the game's flaws like a retard

reflect on why i failed then eat a handful of roasted sunflower seeds

>getting emotional makes me manly
okay woman, nice self-regulation.

>angry but can't do anything to my controller or my desk because im poor

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I do the upward facing hand point thing, say "what the fuck was that?" and then continue to play or ragequit and shut the system off.

This. Especially if its my own failure or I consider the game unfair in some way.

In PvP games I tend to get angry at either my teammates or or my own failures depending on the case.

>“Testosterone is significantly discussed in relation to aggression and competitive behavior. There are two theories on the role of testosterone in aggression and competition.[73] The first one is the challenge hypothesis which states that testosterone would increase during puberty, thus facilitating reproductive and competitive behavior which would include aggression.[73]”

>I do the upward facing hand point thing
What is that

>not just finding any random conversation, quoting someone's opinion on anything and saying "this is what zoomers actually believe"

when I get really angry, I play mgs5.
I go to africa, play "she blinded me with science" on a loop, look for a car and kidnap a bunch of negroes. Then I proceed to complete every side missions (nignogs included) trying not to loose my slaves along the way.
When I'm finally done, I shoot every nigger on the head and call pequod so I can finally get to mother base, completely relaxed.

>doing a perfect asia run, hardest difficulty
>a wild natsu shows up
>perfect run is now ruined
I feel you

>Not channeling your anger through playing good and getting in the zone
You don't channel it to something irrelevant you dishonorable nigger

Did you know that "youths" have high testosterone levels but also commit the the most crime because they literally have no discipline. A real man can control himself.

I start yodeling Swedish folk songs into the microphone in a rage.

like this but more gay

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>video games
You mean something as low as video games complete your manhood? How? By playing with other angry men?

>this is what actually zoomers believe

Depends, if I'm angry but in the zone I keep playing, when I start getting worse I just stop and go do something else.

You learn quick, young grasshopper.

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I keep yelling babada boopi from top of my lungs while making Italian hand gestures over and over again until I start laughing and stop being mad

>Slap dick

If I start getting upset I just take a break, then change into my skirt and blouse and relax. Works very well.

>he got so upset at vidya he cut his dick off

Nope, watching my dick raise my skirt as it gets bigger is a big stress reliever!