Remember the basics of CQC peko

Remember the basics of CQC peko

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>mfw she got 25k viewers right now

Maybe I dont follow streamers enough but I'm surprised by those numbers.

I want to FUCK the dog

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idk if that's high or low for a streamer


Attached: pekogear.jpg (3641x4096, 2.19M)

When will google translate get good enough to the point where I can watch this dumb rabbit live?

Learn Japanese, user. I believe in you!

When you learn Japanese

Attached: fuckyou.jpg (417x300, 39.53K)

It is huge for vtubers, most hover around 5k and when doing collabs around 15k. Reaching 20k+ is massive for a solo stream.

This user is apparently subbing all mgs3 run.

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is the dog autistic

>Stays up playing the same game nonstop for between 8 and 28 hours at a time
I'm leaning towards very yes.

As far as I am aware, 25k viewers is big even for the most popular twitch streamers.
Especially when she is playing a old series like Metal Gear.

I want to watch the cat fuck the dog.

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Honestly, she must have something wrong with her that allows her to enjoy really shitty games and play them for hours, like that one 30+ hour stream of maka maka and she does stream long plays almost everyday. Or like that one time she accidentally showed her phone web history search

Attached: 75828482958.png (1925x1079, 951.96K)

> Or like that one time she accidentally showed her phone web history search

And what did it show?

Meant opened tabs, but is pic related.

25k is massive as fuck

Oh that, she just typed on Google some retarded searches like that for her show.
The worst she can do is turn on the oven from when she worked as a baker and made bread and cookies out of you

Technology will never be able to keep up with Peko.

What if it turns out Korone is a crazy killer and just wasnt found out yet.
Maybe thats why Okayu want none of that.

Well everyone has done some weird google searches every once in a while out of morbid curiosity. Those long plays are a lot more concerning.

Her reaction to Yuzo Koshiro retweeting her was cute.

Does she have barbs or is it a normal looking dick

Catgirls don't have dicks

Look at this chill cat.

Attached: 1587208482917.webm (292x244, 590.62K)

You think

She's into guro, horror films, metal and really old school games. She seems pretty based to me

I never understood the appeal of vtubers. But watching this retarded autistic dog? Now I get it.

Tell me about Peko, why did she start with 3?

Someone told her the events in 3 happened before theother games

Remember to never leave Rushia alone or she'll make sure you never do again.

The kind of dog who'll pass up playing Minecraft, GTA or Animal Crossing to play motherfucking Actraiser is the kind of dog I can respect.

>She fell for the "playing out of release order is fine" meme

She's going in chronological order. Also her favorite is Ocelot so far.

She plays it
Played it
>Animal crossing
She plays it

Wouldn't that mean playing Peacewalker or MGSV before this?

What does "sononi sononi" means, what is she saying?

Probably doesn't have a psp or ps4, they play on original hardware.