Sister doesn't play vidya

>sister doesn't play vidya
>she's bored because of quarantine
>get her started on something easy: Skyrim
>she loves it

So, what other good RPG's are there for casuals?

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>letting females touch your vidya


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your sister isn’t real but retards will ERP anyway

Get her into some older games. Chrono Trigger is easy, fun and beautiful.

haha you should hug and kiss her lol

>Console Skyrim

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Corner trigger does not stand the test of time at all


>someone posts or mentions a family member
>haha you should fuck them

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

yuck no don't give her boring old boomer games

Mass Effect might be good, even if it's shit

>So, what other good RPG's are there for casuals?
my dick

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>start easing normalfag who doesn't play vidya into playing vidya
>unleash your powerlevel almost immediately
you stupid fuck

I think it's very much time for some Chrono Trigger.

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Dark Souls, at this point its for casuals too

haha how big's your dick


girls love rpgs
they like the characters if they suck grinding is always an option battles are fairly simple letting the game focus more on the story and pixel art is very popular nowadays
Chrono trigger would be perfect

Have sex with your sister

>got my little sister into Minecraft
>bought her parts for her own PC
>within a week she moved back to phone games

Fucking bitch

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I disagree, if the art doesnt tickle their fancy, they probably wont stick with it. Kingdom Hearts would be a better starting point, as it has familiar characters and kinda cutesy art style.

The only sensible post in the thread. Girls love Skyrim and Mass Effect.

Is she 3d modeling her own legs?

Dragon's dogma
>can marry any cute boy in the game
>girls love fantasy
>can make cute boy as main character and cute boy companion, can make shotas twinks daddies musclemen and you can dress them like sluts and pretend they're in a gay relationship
>magic n shit, girls love that
>nothing gets a girl hornier than mythical creatures like wolves dragons and chimeras and shit

New vegas

This literally looks like my room but empty. Same heater placement and window and everything

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>no stardew

Monster Girl Quest

i've always found it to be extremely grindy for the wrong reasons

>amd cpu
>gt 1030 gpu

Yeah well her phone is probably faster

what a sweet looking girl

she's not a fat neckbeard, why would she play JRPGs?

Why would you make a computer for a little kid? Just buy a cheep hp/dell or something retard they will just use it for internet browsing at most anyway

Stardew is good too, I didnt really consider it an "rpg" though I suppose it is.

I'm going to get my normalfag sister to watch FMA Brotherhood with me tomorrow. She is absolutely not looking forward to it.

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>site known for being the cesspit of the internet
>"lol why ppl so fucked up here"

>first person games
>with a controller
fucking disgusting

dead by daylight

smash 64 didn't even realize there was a woman in this webm till i saw the butthole slip

I wanna get my gf to watch that too. Just finished Death Note with her(I had already seen it) and she LOVED L. Not sure why.

>butthole slip

And The Sims/management games in general, and Animal Ceossing, and Pokemon and Nintendogs