
Is Janomecho in 2? Is it coming to PC?

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Nioh 2 is cancelled for PC due to poor Nioh 1 sales.

It's okay, I'm rich.

Post Hiddys!!

Nioh 2 is fantastic and fun!

Dollface-user are you here? Did we get auto saged?

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>auto saged
I hope so, fuck off to weebs.

Where I can get Dojigiri?


lol get fucked bitch

>Is it coming to PC
of course
better question, is it the same repetitive, redundant shit as the first?

DLC will add a magic staff that centers around magic attacks with few melee.

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of course

kinda wish they just made a new ninja gaiden tbqh

Only if we can get rid of the endless RE, Monster Hunter and DMC threads too.

I am, I think I'll only be able to do a couple more tonight though, I have something to take care of in the morning.

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Got it! We won't play too late tonight then.

>those three empty areas in the weapons skill map
The wait is killing me. Three new weapons and they could be anything.

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A weapon that scales with Dex and magic would be great

Thanks again for the matches! Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.

You're welcome, thank you as well! I hope everything goes well in the morning. Good night and see you tomorrow!

How do you two manage to play for so long every night? What are you even doing?

Omnyo Staff???

Why does Sanada have like three different sets with bonuses? He's got the all red set. The all red set but with a white coat pictured by OP. And the all red set but with a yellow glow to it.

Whatever the DLC weapons may be I hope they aren't as disappointing as Switchglaive and Hatchets.

How is my girl?

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Cute skunk!

We do expeditions, we really like Nioh, the looting aspect, grinding, combat, we play in synch and it just feels natural, there's no pressure on either of us and beyond all that we both really like fire emblem, so for me I really enjoy spending time with them and hopefully they feel the same with me.

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Cute. I doubt they’d spend that much time with you if they didn’t enjoy your company

I don't even know how it's possible to play for 8+ hours at a time.

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New twilight time! Come on in, expedition password is RHINO.

Did I or you dc'ed?


Is spear fun?

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Is my dick hard?

It’s full of nuance and has a very high skill ceiling, but if you just want to use it as a pokey stick you can still go pretty far with it. Probably the coolest spear I’ve used in a game