What games are you hyped to shitpost about next after the FFVII remake hate threads die down

What games are you hyped to shitpost about next after the FFVII remake hate threads die down

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Hit a nerve, huh?

Probably Cyberpunk

Unironically Overwatch 2

FF7R is old news grampa, this is the game everyone is screeching about atm

Attached: valorant-closed-beta1.jpg (1280x720, 122.1K)

What do I think of this game? tell me

If you got in the beta you love it
If you didn't get invited then it's shitty chinese malware

I don't know what's better, the original meme or these edits made by people obviously effected by it.

I dunno my passion for video games has shrunken

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Imagine limiting yourself to just shitting on a specific game at a time lmao.
The moment I open the catalog I just keep jumping from thread to thread shitting on everything AND everyone. If you are doing anything different than that you are a smoothbrain.


Absolute shit. I haven't played it so I just make up shit about why it sucks because I can't be arsed to look at information about it. And if someone replies to me I just tell him to keep coping or whatever other buzzword I feel like using.

tlou2 gonna be in a month or two so im sure every faggot will come out of the woodwork for that


Attached: Scorn Spooktober.jpg (994x836, 1.93M)

The image doesn't work when the dude is not only crying hysterically but is even drooling.

Trials of Mana comes out next week

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Was gonna post this. That release is going to be incredible to watch.

Wait, it's not vaporware?
I assumed it was as real as that one Russian steampunk game at this point.

I don't know but I can't wait to watch it streamed so twitch chat and the Yas Forums tourists let me know what to think :kappa:

I shit on every game that comes out even if I like it

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but im ready to like that game
i hope

It's probably not. I just like shitposting about it.

Lmao ff7r is shit and you wasted your money.

Cyberpunk could literally be the best game ever made in the history of gaming, and there will still be a thousand posts a day here with people shitting on it.

It could also be a horrible, unplayable piece of shit and there's going to be tons of people here defending it too.

Contrarianism is the way of Yas Forums for all things new.

is having sex good videogames?

Putting your mouth over a fat black guy's butthole and sucking in the farts isn't sex, user, nor is it video games.

damn its crazy how the website has people of mixed opinions and stuff, like isn't it weird that people think differently about things?

I don't think ToM has enough hype to generate a significant amount of hate threads, even if it has a lot of unexpected flaws

didn't tlou2 get pushed back indefinitely?

I believe these posters are correct. cyberpunk will be the next one even if it is better than expected.

I don't know, but the game is fucking ugly, I can tell you that. Looks like someone put half rendered overwatch models into cs go

imagine actually coming to Yas Forums and expecting to discuss video games seriously