Risk of Rain (1&2)

When will we get more survivor skins? I need to flex on newbies.

A reminder that Hopoo doesn't want Artificer to be good and wants her to serve as the well-endowed damsel-in-distress.

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first for imp ass

Attached: imp.png (1102x1094, 149.92K)


Attached: walter.png (661x679, 642.5K)

Fuck risk of rain 1 its so fucking easy
2D means all you have to do is jump around like a retard and you never get hit FUCK risk of rain 1 and fuck anyone who plays it and FUCK starstorm which adds broken overpowered TRASH to the game

Hopoo is shit, play starstorm and turbo edition (soon) instead

still open
Late-Night Starstorm

How to into mods: pastebin.com/Lyc7HEED (embed) (embed)
Starstorm Mod Info: pastebin.com/Z6VAf2FK (embed) (embed)

Profile Flags:

how do i edit models in ror2? Do i just extract the asset into unity and do it in there or do i have to bring it into blender

ror1 is also fun

>game in progress
actual retard here

*Up, not currently open*

Difficulty rating
Glass/Funballs/other artficats RoR2 >>>>>>>>>>>> Default RoR 2 > Glass/Funballs RoR1 >>> Default ROR1 > Starstorm

>Game in Progress
Hello? Retard department?

Make ror1 mods instead, you can do it without unity or blender

i can make bimbo desk plants in both if i knew how

Attached: reminder that artificer is fat.png (960x500, 53.17K)

Yes, this is the head of the Retard Department speaking. How may I help you?

I think for ror2 yeah you need blender, use the unity assets bundle extractor on the game's .assets to get the meshes and go from there
I know nothing about using them in the game though

Attached: assets.png (186x89, 2.6K)

Wiped. OPEN

Attached: wiped han-d.png (2157x1630, 308.86K)

6/32 OPEN

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artificer is good you are just bad

i finally got around to doing it, and it worked!
fem bandit when

Attached: fem mod + enhanced artificer ft bandit.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Vulture Huntress. Mixed feelings on this one. Weird proportions. Would be popular with furries though.

Attached: 1587270192302-1114290248.jpg (2560x1440, 656.69K)

Sure thing dude, gonna tell us all about how you got a 50 stage run with her on Monsoon without picking up any items too?

Nice, mind posting the .assets?

This is true. Funballs and elite mobs only is a pain in the dick. I don't want to stop.

funballs are easier to avoid in 2. if you aren't near a rope and a big guy explodes in 1 you're screwed, in 2 you can just walk around them

let me know if it works

Works fine, thank you user

RoR2 host when? Vanilla or 10 man I don't care

i just miss the energy of old funballs, the new ones really need more bounce to them

nice work user

im waiting too brother

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Huntress already shares her mask with the Bison’s face. She should go with that and shoot charging bison babies from her bow. Arrow rain would be a ton of stampeding bison or alternatively just a bunch being dropped.

NA West, vanilla

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fuck vanillafags theyre so trash


gotta make to when there's no 10 man host, brother