What does it need? Update/DLC wise

What does it need? Update/DLC wise.

Okay okay, I want gyroids and all that back, too, but what about NEW mechanics?

Someone said Casinos.

How about integration with Nintendo Online's NES and SNES games? Wouldn't it be fun to play multiplayer Nintendo games in a friend's town?

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personally i'd like some awnings/tarps that you can put shit under, tired of having a little cafe with everything getting poured on in the rain

What about general-use public buildings?
You could make a real cafe, and it not be a mule's house.
Or ANYTHING. Arcade, haunted house, ANYTHING.

I'd love it if they added a friendship update that features actual minigames that you could play with your villagers to boost friendship level. And have a more complex friendship system similar to Pocket Camp, with a menu accessible through a new social app that allows you to view villager's profiles with levels and ability to call them at any time.

And have a commerce-based update which features minigame-based jobs set out by special NPCs for rewards, which usually includes bells. Along with the ability to build empty buildings with a specific purpose for new special NPCs around your island, similar to Happy Home Designer. These could include a Bakery, Supermarket, Cafe, Arcade, etc. If possible, you could get exclusive items from these buildings too.

titties on the animals
all of them

I'd like the shopping app to just do everything the kiosk does because there's no point to the app otherwise. I still have to visit the kiosk every day.

Best NES game coming through.

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Really just want the other shops and buildings. I would be perfectly fine replacing the recycling bin for the police station. Can't be hard to implement.

Amiibo festival game sequel integration with online

being able to kick fuckers out

More extra rewards for a high island level

Random animals visiting your island if your island level is high enough, usually 5 non-natives on your island at a time. You cannot invite them to your island, although you can talk to them as if they were regular villagers.

Apartments which are just basically buildings that can fit in 4 villagers in a single plot. Only obtainable if your island level is high enough. Customizable too.

Is there still no info about the Earth Day update? It's two days away.

Also what I want to see added:
- Panel De Pon/Island Survival Minigames ported over
- Minigames you can play with friends that aren't just fishing or other existing basic tasks, like the Tortimer Island ones.

The game needs SOMETHING to do when you're visiting someone's island.

Hide and seek? Tag? Board games, etc. The basics first, don't go straight to crazy weird robot whacking bullshit before the basics.

And NES/SNES games, like I said.

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I’d like the tool wheel to take up one inventory slot, and have the tools be contained within the tool wheel. I’m tired of tools taking up so much space.

get extended inv space then.

Craft anywhere from storage. Craft numerous items of one type at once. Golden tools don't break.

I have the max 40 already

Add in phone calls from Villagers! If the nooks can call me, i'm pretty sure the villagers can to. You see them holding the smart phone while relaxing under a tree! This game man!

Also, make the max grouping for all items 99

If we're talking new mechanics, there's nothing more comfy than cooking mechanics using ingredients that you can grow yourself.
The DIY system is already there for cooking if they just want to focus on the gardening.
I guess the issue is meat.

really wish there were minigames in this game to burn out the downtime with, like what New leaf had with that weird island tour game and Puzzle League.

Yeah there are articles about it everywhere: 100% clickbait, they don't know squat.

We do know they said it will include tweeks and or content besides just earth day


Chestnut. The original Leif, which didn't make it into the first game. Looks like Bliss/Caroline's sister or something.

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It does seem weird thats not a thing when the game has the ability built in already. Like with the various transformation wands essentially storing items in its own unseen storage container freeing up a lot of inventory space.

The game has quite a number of functions that exist in some places but not in others. For example when in the room editor mode. Why can you select multiple items to put in your storage, but not have the option to put them into your pockets? That's just 1 off the top of my head but there are tons of feasible QoL fixes that this game could easily apply since they're already in use elsewhere.

When the fuck are they going to make seamless blending paths?

It's fucking annoying to have grass bordering, even on things that were meant to blend in together

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The fucked up thing is that designs you place on the ground take up the full space whereas paths leave the grass border.

That looks fine.

Pathfags get fucked

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Take the island survival adventure minigame in Amiibo Festival and New Leaf: Welcome Amiibo:

Make it involve you actually traveling to islands with your best friend villagers.

On the islands you search for gyroids.
You can trade in gyroids for rewards, OR, just keep them.

Different villagers can help you get to different areas on the islands. So jocks can lift stuff, smug know how to disarm traps, etc.

Keep in mind guys AC was originally supposed to be Nintendo's Diablo; they wanted you to bring villagers with you on adventures, but it didn't get in and then they had women become more involved on it's development.

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>What about general-use public buildings?
This is a great idea. I would love to be able to decorate indoor areas that NPCs can freely enter