You ever wish you could erase your memory of a game so you can play it for the first time again?

You ever wish you could erase your memory of a game so you can play it for the first time again?

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No matter how good Undertale was, if you were to erase your memory of having played it right now in this moment, you would never play it again because of how relentless the faggotry of Undertale fans is and that joy of having played it would be gone forever.

Dark Souls without hesitation.

>erase your memory of a game so you can play it for the first time again?
Yeah, the Danganronpa games. I know Yas Forums thinks they are shit but I loved the mindfucks those games gave me. Have never been able to find a game that replicated that feeling except Your Turn to Die but that shit isn't finished.

>letting other people influence your enjoyment of things

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>You ever wish you could erase your memory of a game
With Undertale, yes.
>so you can play it for the first time again?
With Undertale, no.

I wish I could erase undertale from my memory and I never even played it.

Yeah with VTMB, Furi, Pyre and Transistor

I'd do it for Obra Dinn

Yes with Ghost Trick, 999, and the Ace Attorney games.

I wish I could erase the memory of my stepdad raping me.

Sounds like you had a bad time

T-this didn't really happen, did it?

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streaming spookies jumpscare mansion for my irl friends on discord was some of the most fun I had playing games, 10/10 would do again

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I really hope this is a tasteless joke
I've seen how this kind of trauma affects people

would love to be able to go from a shitter to not so bad in Melee again

Also tribes ascend. the 2nd best movement in any game imo

For me, it's Ghost Trick

Oneshot obviously

FF7 maybe.
I wasn't spoiled, but it would be interesting to see how I would react at the age I'm at now.

Though... I wouldn't want to lose the memories I have from playing it when I was 13 or whatever permanently.

I think about killing myself every day for the last six years.

Ace Attorney and Zero Escape games have some nice twists. Have you played Raging Loop yet?

Only for games I didn't already like

I find that a lot of my favorite games left an impact on me due to my state of mind/self at the time I played it. Certain experiences resonated with how I felt at the time. I worry that if I played them under deifferent circumstances then I might not enjoy them as much

But the same thing applies to games I don't currently like. If I was having a shitty day when first trying out a game it's possible I deemed it trash for the tiniest of misgivings and never touched it again. If I tried some of them with a clean slate I might appreciate them more

Undertale is so good. First time I played it, I mindlessly killed every enemy without a thought. It was only until midway through where I started to try and not kill every boss or enemy after killing Undyne and feeling immediate regret afterwards. Was easily my favorite game of 2015

user, I have some bad news...

fucking terraria was the greatest shit ever playing the game for the first time and figuring everything out

Undertale was a very cute/sweet game. It felt sincere, even if it was a bit overly sincere and goofy at times. It's not as amazing or revolutionary as people claim it is, but does it have to be?

Just true reset bro

La Mulana so I could enjoy it without looking at a guide

I wanna share something with you. My brother was in a similar situation and one day he attempted and yet he survived and decades later now he is married with a family

Please don't do it, I don't know your situation so I don't have advice but it can get better.

It has to be Dark Souls.

Normal Words But A Skeleton Guy!

kill your step dad

Yeah it was better when we knew less.
I use a bunch of meme restrictions on me to have fun with the game now.