Saturday Night Smash Arena Thread

Someone else make the arena. I'm tired of waiting and don't want to host tonight.

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What? Do you think I have all night? MAKE THE ARENA ALREADY!!

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If I make a FFA arena will anyone join?



I'll make one then.

Anyone nz/aus wanna play?

ID: 1D8B1
Password: 5
Stage: Players choice (no customs)
Items: ON
Meters: ON

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here we go

>no one's joining
Am I just a joke to you all? Do you want me to dance for a pitty fight? Does it amuse you to watch me struggle?

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hold on

Room for 6 more.

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Op, Don't you know no one on Yas Forums actually PLAYS Smash? The endless rosterfag threads with next to no gameplay discussion should've made it obvious.

ill bump for you
hopefully scary niggas to fight will join

I don't know that final smash didn't count. These are some crazy 1v1s.
>All those times we run up and meet in the air

Every weekend for the past 2 or 3 months beg to differ. Now either leave, keep bumping the thread, or join.

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>That double meteor
We're at 3 players!

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nice fight OP

I almost forgot how much I hate Olimar

I hope it makes you feel better to know that I play as him because he's my favorite Nintendo character and not because I want to be top tier or something.

im joining

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I'll try to join. If it's laggy for some reason I'm killing myself irl.

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They should put Adeleine in smash I wanna play as a cute painter girl

ITT: OP is a lazy fuck and inadvertently teaches us that hard work truly pays off.

There's already a cute painter girl.

FS meter was a mistake


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fuckn isabelle ffs

I have you don't mean the gross gremlin squid thing

poor inceneroar lol

>Suicuded with Incin twice

The thing that attacks with paint, yes.

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Nana just destroyed me.

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>suicided twice
am I just autistic or something?