Valorant is such a fun game. I can't stop playing it

Valorant is such a fun game. I can't stop playing it.

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you stopped playing it to make this thread

Riot will end up fucking it by adding more characters

>tfw the embarrassment and pressure when last player standing
me too OP wish my aim was good so I wouldn't feel like such a dead weight on my team. other than that really enjoying myself and some surprisingly chill people on there

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>black male
>white female

she's asian incredibly so in game

what is my opinion on this game Yas Forums?

chink trash that zoomers are eating up cause their favority eceleb is playing it atm

>not implied to be in any relationship whatsoever
>is also the only token nigger in a majority white and asian cast

Ok China

I fucking wish Riot employees would stop posting

>Tencent rootkit on your system pretending to be a ground breaking anti-cheat despite thousands of videos on YouTube of people hacking without getting punished

Keep shilling, Chong. The game looks like a shitty mobile FPS.

I knew it was weird when out of the 3 total steps Riot lists on how to get the game, the 3rd final step was "O yea, we have an anticheat program that you will need to install and restart your computer before you play"

When was the last time you had to do a restart for a vidya install?

Attached: nothing to see here, gweilo.png (375x404, 9.79K)

>get a guy on my team who says he plays cs
>he's killing half the enemy team on his own with instant headshots
>meanwhile I'm a plat peak player from overwatch who struggles to get one kill
jesus is cs that good for aim training?

absolutely. overwatch shouldnt be called a FPS cause only like 5 heros utilize the player's aim mechanics. everything else in that game has a crutch

i regularly use OW's deathmatch games to warm up aim for other games. it infuriates me to no end when people use dishonorable heroes in that game. blizzdrones are blissfully ignorant on how much that game holds their hands

>Not restarting your computer after a fresh install of anything

Zoom zoom.

I'd never played cs but transferring from ow to valorant made me realize what an aimlet I was. How do I improve?

>a company that can't fix their decade old launcher and has a history of system breaking bugs like generating gigabytes of log files in the background and such
>owned by the biggest chink company known for their shady business and hardcode commie censorship
>wants to install a 3rd party software on your system that runs at boot on kernel level with full administartor privilagies and is always scanning your personal data whether you're playign the game or not
>even brainlet consoomers like redditors can understand how bad it is
>chinks on full damage control deploying shills on Yas Forums 24/7

Can't wait for all these sponsored Twtich streams to end so this absolute garbage of a game can flop and die like TFT and Legends of Runeterra.

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Take the screenshot to prove you shilled and go claim your check.

Imo, there are two ways:
>You simply play until you get good
>You make a concerted effort to practice

The first method are for casuals and those truly blessed. For example, Stewie2k only played 6 total months of CSGO pub matches before he went into the competitive scene. Could take you a few hundred hours or a few thousand, depends

The second method are for nonshitters. I reccomend this video

>inb4 shill
This guy kindly dropped his entire wisdom before calling it quits on youtube. He doesnt ask for likes, donations, or subs.

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>choked two 1v5s in a row by not killing the same fucking last standing Sage behind the same fucking B door again
This game is fun as fuck but none of my friends likes the CSGO gunplay and solo queueing is too much stress
Raze needs to be nerfed
Sage and Cypher are strong
Indifferent about anyone else besides Viper who I can't tell how good she is but boy do I like playing her and taking complete control of sites and listening to her voice lines

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Checking out the second method now thanks for the rec

Please just stop. I am against that diversity shit too, but this game doesn't force it.

She's asian so yellow female*


godspeed, user. that last true joy i have left in gaming is the steady progression of muh aim mechanics

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viper is absolutely bottom tier and i hate it cause the character is awesome

i have a shit pc will that hinder any of my improvements you think? always assumed higher end rig would make things easier

she's latina

its sad, but the hardware advantage is true. frames definitely matters. monitor refresh size matters. mouse pad size matters.

the good thing is that csgo and valorant are designed to run well on toasters. so you should focus on being able to have a monitor that has 120+ hz refresh rates and a XL mouse pad (95% chance you will prefer to do low sensitivity aiming, and a large mouse pad will allow you room to flick, spin, etc)

Same OP. Although I have to take breaks because some matches are really draining when you put all your brain power into doing well.

t. Viper/Cypher main