Seriously why do games lack soul nowadays? And why does no one care that games are actively getting worse...

Seriously why do games lack soul nowadays? And why does no one care that games are actively getting worse? It isnt nostagia because im only 20 and my first console was a ps3 so come up with a better excuse.

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Because why does it even matter? Games are such a time sensitive and fading medium. Games are constantly being remade because a few years went by and the old one looks and plays like shit by today's standards. Games are hyped up, bought, and forgotten within weeks. Nobody tries anything new because the market doesn't even want it. People don't even want new exciting shit. They want the same old shit but with new paint on it. This medium and industry is fucked so why should anyone give a shit?

>why does no one care that games are actively getting worse
people that go indie and make games with a passion do. most people are blind NPCs that mindlessly CONSOOM. I'm an oldfag and I still go back to play some games I've never heard of before and enjoy them more than anything modern. it's not nostalgia because it's new to me, so there's definitely something in the industrialized aspect of game making that is being squashed.

I sure as fuck hope your really don't think that SFIV had "soul." The character models in that game looked like absolute mongoloids.

...fucking 09ers, I swear.

bloated corporations will suck the soul out of everything. but they are not there to make culturally valuable artifacts but to push the boundaries of technical development. soul will come back once the peak has been reached and the production costs go down.
then you can afford to let people hand craft things again.

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Ken looks worse but every other model is superior in SFV.

Shit game though.

Thats the point and yet it still looks better compared to sfv. Like how 3rd strike looks better then sf4

Your part of the problem. You have given up. You dont care.

dumb customers dont know or care about soul
its been that way since SNES allstars

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SFV inarguably looks better than IV. Seethe, cope, whatever. If you think otherwise you're retarded, have no eye for anything, and I don't care what you'd have to say anyway.

There's literally nothing you can do to stop it

Unrelated to the specific example in the OP, it could easily be said that as video game hardware gets more advanced, there's less and less reason to actually make your game look "uniquely" good instead of just making it look as realistic as possible. A lot of older video games look a certain way that people like because they had to use various tricks to get around hardware and engine limitations, but now you can render every single pore on a character's buttcheek and not have to worry about that kind of thing.

This is compounded by the fact that video games are made by MONSTROUSLY sized teams, hundreds of people, all working in different buildings and for different contracting agencies, thus there's no sense of singular vision like there used to be when video games were made by smaller teams, typically friends, working together. Even many smaller, "indie" games became extremely homogenised. It could be said that back in the day, video games were made by enthusiasts exploring a new art form, experimenting and seeing what they could do with it. Now video games are made by people who grew up with video games and set out to make video games like the video games they played instead of something new and bold.

tl;dr old good new bad.

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No, it really doesn't. Granted, plenty of stuff looks wonky in V, but don't let your hate boner for the game misdirect you. I don't really care for V all that much myself, but that's not going to change the fact that IV has a huge handful of character models that look goofy as hell and don't have "soul".

SFV Ryu and Cammy look better
Chun looks the same
SFV Ken looks worse

>And why does no one care that games are actively getting worse?
They aren't getting worse. Video games are the best they've ever been. Stop getting dramatic.

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>once the peak has been reached
Not gonna happen, in our lifetimes at least
The system operates under the pretense that exponential growth is feasible
They'll just keep going until the bottom inevitably falls out

>Video games are the best they've ever been
I kind of want to disagree with this in the mainstream sense, but video games are so ubiquitous now that there's bound to be an indie title you can enjoy somewhere due to the sheer volume of games coming out. AAA games have gotten worse and worse, less experimental, and more focused on multiplayer microtransactions in the last 10 years or so, but there are still plenty of good games to play.

why does capcom refuse to take the cel shaded pill?

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which one of these are you claiming has soul? because neither of them do

There are a lot of things bad to say about SFV, but the visuals are far superior to 4. 4 is legitimately the ugliest Street Fighter has looked since SF2 box art.
SFV did a far better job expressing character personality through motion too. All the shotos in SF4 used the exact same animations and bodies except Sakura for obvious reasons. That's as soulless as you can get.

Tekken 7 is also soulless aestically. Stages are so trash compared to the old games. No npcs in the backgrounds or anything just dead. TTT2 had chickens and horses and the stages just look way more beautiful.

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You can't sell costumes with ASWs systems.

Both of these look like garbage, I wish Street Fighter went back to their 2D sprites.

Better image there actually ducks not chickens my bad.

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god i want an asian girlfriend with a fat ass

SFIV and V are both ugly piles of dogshit, completely devoid of soul

you can't judge the whole of a medium by what's popular at any given time
by that metric, literature and film are at their worst because the ratio of garbage to not garbage is just as skewed as gaming is now
but that's not how it works

does blue reflection have soul?

It would sell even worse than SF5 did. Most players don't like those kinds of graphics, that's one reason why ArcSys games are D-list.

Its nostalgia. Sorry. And go fuck yourself.

mario 3 has more soul than mario 1, therefore its not nostalgia

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