Sleepover at a friends house

>Sleepover at a friends house
>His parents start fighting
>Keep playing Super Smash Bros.

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>sleepover at a friends house
>his blankets are itchy
>im a kid
>ask for softer blanket
>my parents berate me for it later.

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>at friends house 3 am
>his dad comes home drunk
>stumbling through the kitchen
>hear his mom come downstairs
>starts whisper yelling at the dad
>hear faint bed creaking noises a couple minutes later
>friend still playing san francisco rush 2049 like nothing ever happened

>goto movies with friend and his parents
>his parents have huge argument before the movie
>everyone staring at them arguing loud
>his dad leaves the cinema
>friend, his mom, and I still watch movie
>few months later his parents are divorced
>friend says: I bet youre going to tell everyone what happened and make jokes about it
>I didn't tell anyone what happened
>friend later proceeds to make fun of me in the future despite me being a bro and not telling anyone at school what happened

I literally could have made his school life hell by telling everyone what happened, but I was a decent human being, and kept it secret, and yet shortly down the line he starts shitting on me.....

This is why I dont like people

>be 10 years old
>neighbor friend invites me over to play videogames
>says he'll be right back and to continue playing
>he comes back 10 minutes later out of the shower
>drops his towel and starts playing naked
I didn't feel comfortable playing at his house after that.

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Only a matter of time before the gay stories come out

I dont think anyone would have given a shit if you told anyone

>friend tells me to come over to play the new DOA beach volleyball game
>walk into his house to see his mom bawling her eyes out on the coach
>dont say a word
>go down to the basement to play the game
>about an hour later my friend starts telling me what happened
>his dad has been renting a place with a strip dancer for the past few months
>earlier that week the dad took his moms wedding ring while she was washing dishes and went to see the stripper
>they havent heard from him since
>few weeks later the dad comes home all beat up and acts like nothing ever happens
>their life goes on as usual

what video game is this?

shoulda raped him


ha ha funny frog picture

>sleepover at friends
>parents treat me like gods gift to this world even though I just say please and thank you
>parents yelling during the night
>mom is always bruised
>friends brags about holes he punched into the wall
>dad is ex military
I gtfo there after that and only a few weeks ago found out the dad went postal and killed his family before committing police suicide

That's fun and all, but have you seen this?

did you touch pee pees

jesus that ending. did it make the news?


yeah fucking helicopter cam too if I can find it I will post it

well that escalated

im such a fucking coomer i know thats kateelife

>few weeks after ps2 came out
>friend has one along with a bunch of games
>weekend rolls around
>so pumped to go stay over and play ps2
>friend tells me its the time of the month for his dad visits
>asks me to come anyways
>his dads lives in a single large room apartment
>one corner kitchen, one corner bedroom, one corner tv, and one corner door
>12 inch tv with a ps1
>turns out the ps1 was my friends but he gave it to his dad once he got a ps2 cause he was bored
>start playing some old games
>his dad pulls out a phone from under the bed and starts talking to some dude
>talking about buying a bunch of weed and selling it
>continues planning his drug deals for about an hour or two
>makes us some rice
>gives us some blankets and tells us to sleep on the floor
pretty sure the dad left us once we fell asleep and came in after we woke up with mcdonalds.
his mom is fucking rich i have no idea how they met and started a family together.

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to be fair, she has a very recognisable body among camwhores

>Over friends house for the weekend
>playing Mario party his parents leave for food
>He calls his dog over pulls out his dick and let's it lick
>So disturbed just hoped out got my clothes and walked home never spoke to him again
>He would try and talk to me during school and I just shunned him
>He seemed really hurt about it

white people fuck dogs

that was pretty rude of you
you couldve at least said something

I just couldn't get over it every time I looked at him the scene would play out in my head I couldn't stomach it

you don't even know if it was a sexual thing or not
the guy could've just retardly thought it was a normal thing or got pranked by his parents

>parents start fighting
>throwing dishes at each other
>just turn the volume up and pretend its fine
>guild asks why I don't voice chat
>just tell them I don't like talking much

No it was definitely sexual but yeah I may have overreacted he was pretty much my only friend up until highschool same for him I believe we always say alone at lunch in our own little corner never had the same classes as him so could never confirm

>mom tells me to invite my friends over more often
>invite friend over to play vidya
>my mom starts throwing a tantrum over inane shit and I tell her to calm down
>friend calls me from downstairs to play MGS3 only to catch my mom slapping me in the face
>friend goes downstairs pretending he didn't see anything
>we quietly play MGS3 afterwards barely talking to each other
>never invited friends ever again

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>my mom starts throwing a tantrum over inane shit and I tell her to calm down
do all moms do this? Swear to god my mom doing this turned me into a misogynist its like they want to get angery and find something to scream about

ur mom sounds like an unreasonable retarded cunt

>invite friend around to play vidya
>he's playing that LAPD cop game
>door closed
>dad bursts in
>friend says he's just going to leave
>never again

should have stood up for yourself instead of being a cuck

To be fair dealing with kids all day does that to people.
You can say dads have to as well, but every 'sane' dad always bails out whenever possible and let's their wife take care of shit. And when they actually spend time with their kid they get just as pissy as moms.

>invite friends over to play video games
>they laugh at me for thinking we're friends
>get milk dumped on my head
>go home miserable
>mom pissed off because my clothes smell like milk now

your friend was jealous that he didn't get slapped too

My mom would wait to pull the rug from under me when my friends left I cleaned the living room up and everything and she still yelled that I did something wrong


I hope this didn't actually happen

idk man I would be doing literally nothing and my mom would actively search for something to yell at me about and usually it was something that was a non problem only when I got older and told her that she knew what she was doing then she would stop