Monster Hunter

Monster Hunter Thread

Shara Ishvalda has all the best looking armor and weapons. The glaive actually makes me want to prep the dragon soul for damage and play summoner.

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I wish there was more to this event besides whetfish farming
Also fuck hammer users

so THIS is the power of pc...

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Do you enjoy the fact monsters seem like they're fidgeting fuckers that don't stop moving? I don't think I would mind it if I didn't have to relay on clutch claw due to shitzones.

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I love her voice. I think that's the only roar I went out of my way to look up.

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The one and only.

I just embraced the gunlance which gives zero fucks about hitzones

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it's a damn shame what World did to him

Legit 10/10 design for me

You mean making him actually fun to fight?

No he means actually making his tail spin actually hit you

I use stickies, but when I tried the Rajang HBG, I felt bad as the monster couldn't get up. LBG is more fun, but it's still easy mode.


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Attached: great design.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

>subs for 5 languages

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Clutch claw is cancer

Attached: reeeeeeeee.webm (640x360, 1006.54K)

amatsumagatsuchi remains my favorite roar so far.

out fucking played

Attached: secondhand embarrassment.webm (1000x562, 2.92M)

He looks really cool I hope they add it to MHW

Just pick a fidgety weapon that doesn't stop moving, like dual blades or sword and shield.

>if his item bar already had max potion selected he would have gotten it off
>he could have easily scrolled to it while in the knockdown animation
>it's also on his "radial" menu and he chooses to ignore it
absolutely deserved death

Since we're talking about roars have the all the MHXX roars. I didn't rip them though, can't remember where I got them.

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Still Diablos' autistic shriek. There's lots of other memorable roars, but theirs still sticks out to me.

How's your deco farming coming along?

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Nice, more roars to add to my collection!

Zingore is such a pile of shit. What a complete waste of such a great design. Was he this shit on Nintendo MH, or did they butcher him in World? Stygian fixes his problems, but I don't like Stygian's color palette, the original is much better.

Does anyone know if Monster Hunter World will run fine on a toaster laptop?
>Monster so big it sounds like a fog horn

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It's not
Level 4 decos aren't giving me anything useful
Haven't got anything useful in months

Pirate it and find out

Had 4U since release and never beaten Shah, tried a few times with randos and triple carted and ran out of time solo.

I will give up if I don't get a single fucking good gem from that goddamn dog in the next 3 hunts.
>here's another Hard Meowster Jewel and Blast Attack+
get fucked

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lmao just cheat the decos in
deal with it