Lmao dude how bad is this? I thought people were memeing but its literally a souls game in name and re-skins only

Lmao dude how bad is this? I thought people were memeing but its literally a souls game in name and re-skins only

Attached: 220px-Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (220x263, 21.04K)

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It's diet souls. What always happens when a series gets popular.

God damn, all of fromsoft's games are so amazing. Can't wait to play elden ring!

>Dark Souls 2
>a great sequel with a different story but a similar theme that draws on a mythical link but doesn't mention the first game other than in passing

>Dark Souls 3
>a straight-up rehash where they change the names of characters and try to pretend that Andre looks the same because all of his race is entirely identical and accidentally retcon the first game out of existence

don’t forget to dilate before bed

discord trannies and redditfags love DaS3 though. It has the references they crave, and the last boss is a funkpop mashup

Huh? It’s the same Andre.

It's pretty bad for souls standards. Above everything else, level design is all fucked up making it rather linear, and build options seem completely sanitized in an attempt to balance but consequently unbalanced the all fuck out of it.

>Huh? It’s the same Andre.
3 is set thousands of years after 1. At least.

It's officially stated that all of Andre's race looks like that.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Andre is an undead, the passage of time is irrelevant.
>It's officially stated that all of Andre's race looks like that.
Source? Not calling bullshit, just haven't read anything about that.

What exactly are you having trouble with?

Yeah, but even undead die. That's what linking the flame allows.

>Source? Not calling bullshit, just haven't read anything about that.
I'll look for it, but it's a dev conversation they were having about how the statues of blackmsiths in DS1 all look like Andre, and they said "oh yeah, it's because his whole race looks the same"

It's fine. Problem for me is how iterative it is.
Dark Souls 2 had nothing really to do with Dark Souls 1, 1 had nothing really to do with Demon's Souls, Demon's had nothing to do with King's Field IV, etc etc. Some shared characters and aesthetics, that's about it.
Dark Souls 3 is heavily tied to the plot of Dark Souls 1, and even if the point is "this is really fucking tired and drawn out just fucking kill it already", that's about how I feel about drawing out Dark Souls 1's plot being returned to.

Just too high fantasy. It's the same game but made high fantasy instead of low-mid.

millions of characters, and they're all forgettable shit with no development.

"Um. Rather, Andre is there for a minor amusement. Actually, since the first Dark souls, we were developing him as a part of "the Clan of Andre, the blacksmith". And we thought all those Andre looking corpses with embers were exact look-a-likes"


(I know, I know, plebbit. It's a decent translation)

DS3 is really just a constant "HEY LOOK, 'MEMBER THE FIRST ONE??" but it looked pretty good, had all the quality of life shit, and besides the poise mechanic stuff was a pretty tight sequel. Everything was as refined as it should be. Going back through DS1 now is painful. It's clunky as fuck, hitboxes suck, boss runs are awful, can't even slide down a fucking ladder.

Is 3 actually bad or just bad in relation to the impossibly high standards of Yas Forums? I enjoy Dark Souls 2 and that's another game this board calls shit.

Why do most areas feel so overloaded with bullshit? Even the fucking Highwall is pure bullshit around every corner just there to fuck you over without any reward.

>It's officially stated that all of Andre's race looks like that.
Andre says himself that he remembered the old giant blacksmith when you bring him his ember, among other old things.
He's undead. I'd hardly say each DaS is set thousands of years apart. Maybe a few hundred at most. A lot of shit can happen in 100 years, even.


It's fine. They're all fine. This is all in the context of being compared to one another.

>I'd hardly say each DaS is set thousands of years apart. Maybe a few hundred at most. A lot of shit can happen in 100 years, even.

Attached: 223265.jpg (600x600, 41.01K)

That says nothing for DaS3. That was his original intention. The intention of the writers in 3 might have changed tune since then.
Ain't canon, friendo.

DaS1 > DeS > DaS2 > DaS3 > BB

It feels wrong to rate BB that low but it just really didn't do it for me

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It's an interview he gives for Dark Souls 3. And he doesn't go on to amend that statement, so we can only assume it's how he went with it.

That's how these things work.

only a few shitposters actually think ds3 is bad

I've heard the gameplay is meh at best, but the setting itself is so fucking kino

>high standards of Yas Forums

Attached: 1563956180231.jpg (1920x1080, 286.42K)

You're right, I forgot that this board actually likes Nintendo games.

I would agree with that. The gameplay is what I care about the most and it's what I left the game most disappointed about.

Attached: 28025280.png (333x421, 17.7K)

>The gameplay is what I care about the most
>DaS at the top
thats... a bit of a contradiction there