I'm so tired. Tired of everyday trying to convince myself I like this game and that I have fun. I don't. I hate it...

I'm so tired. Tired of everyday trying to convince myself I like this game and that I have fun. I don't. I hate it. I fucking hate how it plays, how the characters do annoying shit, how the buffer system fucks you up.
I hate the fact that I'm trying to justify the fact I sinked $600 on a fucking Switch, three or four games, two controllers because I knew of the shitty Joy Con drift. I'm so tired. I'm tired of the magic dying more and more, the games aren't fun anymore, they don't make me happy anymore, they just make me salty, and honestly depressed.
No game in any console makes me feel anything but anger and sadness.

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user if you're not having fun, stop playing. If you want your money back, sell your switch. With the corona thing going on, somebody will 100% buy it for full price despite being used

>I fucking hate how it plays, how the characters do annoying shit, how the buffer system fucks you up.
yeah, ultimate is dogshit. too bad no one will realize that and instead feel pity for sakurai whining like a little faggot about working hard.

Sakurai has literally never whined.

Where I live people refuse to pay anything more than half of the retail price from the US. I tried to sell two games that had their wrap removed to check if I didn't get scammed (it was a "two for one" offer in a shady store) and people refused to pay $30 for it. Because it wasn't "new" anymore. I managed to sell them for $35 each.
I still live with my parents since my job doesn't give me enough money to move out and they'd get pissed if I sold it, just like they did when I sold the games.

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Play something else faggot.

user I think you're depressed. Why not try improving your life? Are you over 18? Do you have a job?

>the games aren't fun anymore
Games as a storytelling medium are dulled and overshadowed by better stories told in books, film and television.
Once you reach a point where even the gameplay suddenly feels like it can be had anywhere else, and there's no narrative to impress you when you've been further impressed by better storytelling and writing elsewhere. There are outliers, sure... but by and large, I don't expect much from the modern gaming industry. Everyone is stuck in a loop and we're really just copypasting PS2-era gameplay over modern graphics and expecting people to be amazed, but we're all still platforming, shooting, roleplaying or getting shot by 12-year-olds in an FPS, just like we were ten years ago, just like we'll be ten years from now.

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He doesn't but he sure as hell likes to play the victim. He's like "my hand hurtssss I work too haaaarrrd" and "uggghhh people uploaded the subspace movieeeees whyyy" and people eat it up.
People forgive everything because he's "such a hard worker". People think he's the only one working on these games, at some point I saw some retard saying "omfg daddy sakurai thx for the music".
People suck his dick despite all the retarded decisions he makes because he gave them all the fucking characters ever!! Even the fucking clones!! Woooow!!!
I fucking hate Smash Bros. I fucking hate how Etika made this culture of sucking Sakurai's cock and treating him like a god.

I just feel this way about video games in general. There are so many games that I used to fucking LOVE that I can't stand anymore. I used to love Metal Gear Rising, Hollow Knight, Planescape Torment, STALKER. I can't even play more than 10 minutes without getting bored.

I don't know if I'm just depressed or if these games always sucked and I was too young to care.

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I spent like 40 minutes playing Quickplay in Ultimate. Just sd'ing over the tiniest things. I was down by two stocks? SD'd. Samus? SD'd. Luigi? SD'd. Byleth? SD'd.
I wasn't salty. I wasn't raging. I was just looking at the screen, controller in hand, feeling my eyes sinking more and more.
Feeling like it wasn't worth it anymore.
Feeling like it was never fun. Feeling like my childhood playing Melee was a lie, just like you just said.

>Got 360 hours on it and my favorite character to elite smash
>Had a ton of fun learning to play fighting games and have been doing really well in every other PVP game I play by applying the same tactics.
>People have a ton of fun playing with me and rematch nonstop.
Feels good man. I believe in you OP, it might not be soon but one day you'll be happy again. There's still magic in the world and in you.

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It feels like that. It feels like nothing has progressed. Feels like nothing changes, or improves. Just more and more power. More and more realism. More and more "powerful stories" that are just re-threads of old stories but putting one or two minorities.


That's because you're born in Clown World. The world was an objectively better place so your mindset wasn't as realistic and jaded. Now that the world is collapsing you're starting to realize how vapid and pointless it all is.

Everything is terrible. EVERYTHING is terrible.

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I'm kinda sure I do. My parents think I don't and that it's impossible because I don't have any debts or children.
Like that's the only thing that can make you feel bad.

Idk anymore. Sometimes, it feels like that. Like it's not even worth it to get up in the morning.

Isn't the world terrible? Isn't it fucking awful? Isn't it unfair that media and your parents fed you this "work hard and you'll be happy" nonsense?

This is why I support legal assistant suicide. There's literally no reason to be alive anymore.

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That guy is based.

Lol, my spic house doesn't have any place to hang myself. It's not like a gringo house that has all those places to wrap a good noose in. It's all made of blocks and cement.
No easy access to guns unless I get into a shitty gang.

Do yourself a favor and stop playing that garbage. I assume you're playing it as a fighting game, so I will just say this has one of the worst fighting game engines ever conceived, not only it is unresponsive as fuck but it rewards playing like an absolute faggot since 90% of the time you will be punished for initiating contact. It quickly devolves into safe aerial spam and gorilla mashing. You are wasting your time playing this kusoge.

Oh well. Deal with it, nerd. The world sucks and you shouldn't have been born.

This, OP. play splatoon. you dont have to try in that game

What is it about Smash bros that makes people seethe uncontrollably? I swear, it's like the game itself killed your pet and took a shit in your mouth every night when you sleep with how much ire it gets on this board.

Because it's basically by childhood dream roster stuck in a shitty game that Sakurai stubbornly refuses to fix.

ult feels so bad to play I hate its physics/momentum system mixed with the lack of hitstun AND the input delay holy shit it's like they want nobody to approach ever

But wait don't you like playing the online with shitty connections from a system with no ethernet port

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But the game is still miserable to play offline though.

I can't get the adapter without paying the equivalent of a game here.

People said it's better than 4 but at least 4 didn't have that shitty buffer Ult. has.
And he never will. His ego is so huge that any criticism slides off his shitty mushroom cut.
I had it on the Wii U and didn't like it.

I can think of several reasons. For one, it probably gets more attention, exposure, and sales than the next three biggest fighting games combined (if you even consider smash a fighting game). So it overshadows games the fighting game community thinks are better. Hell even within the smash community, some think new smash is shit compared to melee. Then you got the fact that most smash discussion isn't about the game but the politics surrounding the game and the roster. Most just want their favorite character to get in for "muh hype" or "muh sales". Then you got the fact that ultimate is kind of subpar with the dogshit online and whatnot. I mean I could go on. There's a lot to hate

I fell for the "Everyone is here" meme but I hate it. I suck at normal fighting games and I'm just ok at Smash, even with practice.
Doesn't help that online is the only way I have to play with others, and all you find are Clouds, Jokers, Samus, and Marios. All being retarded and mashing, and somehow winning interactions because it's apparently the way to play.

You weren't around during Smash Four, were you?
Every interview during this game was him being a faggot and whining. Suck it up, you're making bank regardless. He eventually realized how much of a tart he can be.

Maybe you should stop playing fighting games altogether if you're not good at them

Not him but I bet I could absolutely trounce you in SF4. Ultimate is just a bad game.

Kek never played SF4 so you're probably right. My point was that he's not having fun so what's the point?

Just accept that Smash is a dumb party game at its core. Several characters are almost completely invalidated on a competitive level by characters that can spam safe disjoints, and there will never be a patch to fix that. Balance is an afterthought to Smash in the same way that online play is an afterthought to Nintendo.

He still keeps saying that "Smash is a grrrrreat product since it has soooo much shit".
Yeah, tons of shit:
>Almost 80 characters that all feel gimmicky, some are still shit despite buffs, while others feel nothing like their source material and have made up shit
>Tons of stages that were ported from previous games and were touched up, only four new stages in the base game
>More than a thousand of jpegs, with a shitty "adventure mode" that feels more like a board game, and even looks like one
>A ton of songs, the vast majority just being old tracks

But it's not even a good party game because of the absolute clusterfuck of visual effects. Four player fights are pretty much unplayable.

I know. That's why I keep playing it, unlike "real" fighting games that I hate even more
Already did that bro

You people need to get good and adapt.

It's literally impossible to "get good" at Ultimate when there's a literal randomness aspect.