Console will be obsolete and underpowered before theyre even released. consoletards btfo

Console will be obsolete and underpowered before theyre even released. consoletards btfo

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wtf Xbros we were supposed to win it's not fair

another shitty amd card thatll get btfod by nvidia

amd cards are btfoing nvidia cards for the past year though

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>cards that cost double the price of amd cards win in some games
>amd cards for $375 matching nvidias $800 in some games too
yea, like i said, amd cards been btfoing nvidia cards for a year now

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>no driver

>but its cheaper!
and thats why its worse.

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>4 fps for $100+
i dont think you really know how to do this shilling thing properly


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The 5700 XT looks equal to the 2070 Super, and the 2070 Super is over $100 more expensive.

holy cope. its 15fps here amd just fucking sucks and will never have the best card.

only poorfags go for price/performance amdshit

>p-price to performance doesnt matter
>only nvidia hairworks matters!
lmao the cope with spending $800 for $380 amd performance

I like people talking shit on AMD, I had a 1070 awhile ago, it was amazing sold it for 700 during the mining craze, but I just recently got a R9 290X for 40 bucks and I have to say it does the job, look at the results! 30fps 1440p love. And my I7 2600 holds my hand tightly as we play vidya everyday.

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but thats the tech that the ps5 will get
they will launch on par

>...nvidia will have a better GPU

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no, the ps5 has the equivalent of a 5700xt. this big navi will be double (yes double) the power of that

I read that as AMD Nazi

have fun taking it up the ass from Leather jacket man, i know he enjoys it

oh no no no

Gonna upgrade the ol' 1070 this year. S-should I go AMD or Nvidia?

What do you think the price will be?

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Xbox series x is big Navi though. Current "small" navi is maxed out at 40 CUs. Xbox is 52 CUs (56 in total) and I expect there to be an identical 56 CU GPU on the desktop considering there was the Vega 56 last gen and I also expect there to be GPUs with 64 and higher CUs.

>press x to doubt

No idea, but the last digit will most certainly be a 9

>Start up Geforce Experience to change my screen capture settings
>It says an update is required before I can do anything at all
>Wait for update to download and install
>The new version requires online registration and EMAIL VERIFICATION for me to do anything at all
>Use a disposable email address to make a throw-away account
>It asks for a login every fucking time it updates
Fuck you, Nvidia. I'm never buying another Nvidia card ever again.

Attached: nvidia-exp[1].png (680x457, 33.99K)

only thing seething is your gaping ass

Why did they do this? What do they gain from requiring online accounts to change settings and update drivers?

after buying an amd gpu a few years ago i'm literally never doing it again. their drivers are shit and they are incapable of working correctly in any video game ever


PS5 is based off the current gen "small" Navi. Why, we don't know. Some speculate it's because of back compat to PS4/PRO others think its because of pricing since a smaller GPU is cheaper to manufacture with more dies per wafer but overall 36 CU going into a new gen is laughably bad considering their current flagship console also has 36 CU. With AMD cards their lower midrange cards usually max out at 38-40 CU based on past gens and the same goes for this gen as we can see with the 5700XT being the current flagship and maxing out at 40 CU. The high end cards will probably start at 56 and go up to 64 CU and possibly higher because in the past AMD was limited to 4096 shaders but it seems RDNA2 has fixed those front end limitations.

Either way the PS5 is literally going to be outdated and low end budget tier the minute it hits the shelves. The xbox should be higher-midrange tier for a couple years after release if they do release that 56 CU GPU.

This shit right here is the biggest cancer. Nvidia cards are good and all but Geforce Experience has become horrible to use. Not to mention the included telemetry. I want to use shadowplay without logins or nvidia spying on me.

It's for their amazing Nvidia software.

Oops, they're still using Windows XP control panels lol

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What's more funny is that PS5 is having cooling issues because those chips were pushed to the absolute limit to compete with Nvidia and I assume Sony wanted the performance but didn't realize what they'd have to pay for it.