ITT: We discuss the best types of armor

ITT: We discuss the best types of armor

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fat people armor?

Does that look like fat to you?

Hey. Nice, this is some good armor.


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God that's fucking hot

A bit tubby around the midsection, yes.


>lip that catches arrows and funnels them into your face

>He thinks medieval archers are all like Legolas

>he thinks arrows weren't shot en masse and rained down upon people.

>He thinks the chance of an arrow getting through that lip is bigger than .1%

The pregnant_armor tag needs more images

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Which site?

breddy gud :3

>0.1% x 10000 arrows from above = you'll probably get stabbed by at least one of them.

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The nisetanaka kind.

looks like their defense wasn't really impregnable


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That's a jousting helmet retards.

Knight set

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I like this armor, but I'd like it more if the scarf portion was red or blue, like the Elite Knight. As it stands, it's too grey

How do you even know where you're going with that shit.

I could go for some R63 Smough right about now

It's a helmet specifically designed for jousting. The wearer would have been angled forward, since they would have been astride their horse and leaning in. They still wouldn't have been able to see much, but you can see how the crescent shape would, at that angle, give them enough peripheral vision to see the other rider while maximizing protection from splinters (caused by a shattering wooden shield/pole) or other injury (like impact).
It's clever, but it's not something that was ever expected to be used in regular combat.

I could go for more pregnant ladies in armor, personally.

absolutely basado

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>we'll never get another H-game with preg content as good as Violated Heroine
>it will never be properly finished or translated
It fucking hurts lads

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That's rough, user.