I just finished this game and the DLC, and I legitimately do not see the hype. The gameplay is mediocre...

I just finished this game and the DLC, and I legitimately do not see the hype. The gameplay is mediocre, the story wasn't really anything special, the characters were alright and a lot of the "puzzles" were just annoying as hell.

The graphics were lovely, the audio was pretty decent but...why was this so highly acclaimed?

Attached: index.jpg (201x251, 10.98K)

Google 2013 games, you'll understand. Shadow of Mordor was considered a masterpiece in 2014, that's how bad gaming was

Because it came out at a time when "games are art" faggotry was at its peak, and game journalists and casuals wanted some Oscar-bait shit to push as being a masterpiece so that they could feel validated.

>why was this so highly acclaimed?
Because its objectively a masterpiece

Because it had HBO-tier acting. That's literally it.

>The story is mediocre.
>The world is uninspired.
>The gameplay is clunky and not fun.
>Most environments blend together
>Gimmicky actions that plague the game

But the acting is still the best I've seen in a video game. Then again, who the hell cares anyway because it's a video game not a movie.

Imo, the most overrated game of the 2010's

That's every PlayStation exclusive. Overrated garbage. nu God of War is the same shit.

Put some respect on Gravity Rush 2s name.

& u got to play & ~20 fps

>But the acting is still the best I've seen in a video game.
Rdr 2

By "PS exclusives" I mean on-rails, linear, serious-dad cinematic "games".

Thats literally only tlou and gow

Never played red dead 2 but I'll take your word for it.

I like the setting. Overgrown post-apoc is pretty comfy. I'm looking forward to the sequel in the hopes they use the wide linear format from Uncharted 4 so I have lots of things to poke at.

>Then again, who the hell cares anyway because it's a video game not a movie.
>who cares about the acting in a game thats very cinematic and has alot of cutscenes

The Last of Us
God of War
Until Dawn
Beyond: Two Souls
Bloodborne (linear)
Horizon Zero Dawn (Doesn't fit description but it's still bland, dumb and gay).

I really fucking hate "cinematic" and/or linear "games. PlayStation is a fucking joke that only get some praise because Xbox is even worse.


In this "post open-world design" industry, developing a linear game is just an excuse for low-effort trash.

Because it was the most cinematic game the time it came out with decent everything jesus christ were all you fags who make these threads not around before 2020? If you were the least interested in gaming for a decent length of time you wouldn't have made this thread.

I vividly remember playing last of us the week it came out and being extremely confused about the praise it was getting after I beat it.

>muh open world meme
Tlou has more options in its combat than most open world games.

>decent everything
>shitty GAMEplay
>in a fucking GAME
>"but muh cinematics"

Literally 2 of those are dad games. Drake doesnt become a dad until the epilogue

Gameplay is great if you play on the hardest difficulty.

Chill, its serviceable for what its marketed as.

I forgot Heavy Rain. Let's give uncharted a .5 and thaat's 3.5/9. More than enough to build a stereotype lol.

I did. The game was nothing special. Good graphics and sound, that's all. Extremely overrated.

I'm chill, I just don't understand the hype honestly. I also don't understand the hype for games like Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild, but that's another subject lol.

got this game for free and have still never played it because it looks so annoying and boring

>Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild
Name 5 games you've liked that came out this decade

Remake 2
Remake 3
Dragon Quest 11

Witcher 3
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Total War: Warhammer
Mass Effect
Fallout: New Vegas

>but muh contrarian Skyrim and Witcher are shit
No. All of these are good games IN SPITE of their flaws.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

>but muh contrarian Skyrim and Witcher are shit
Im not a contrarian user, witcher 3 and doom are based

StarCraft 2

>literally only two games worth playing in that list
dumb underage namefag

Found the trannyweeb.

cope newfag redditor